Albert Salomon, „Goethe“. In:Die Gesellschaft. Internationale Revue für Sozialismus und Politik9, 1. Halbband, 1932, S. 233–259. In der englischen Übersetzung von Jonathan Steinberg erschienen als „Goethe (1932)“. In: Albert Salomon,In Praise of Englightenment. Cleveland, New-York...
I mentioned Marlowe’sFaust.He burst out into an exclamation of praise. ‘How greatly is it all planned!’ He had thought of translating it. He was fully aware that Shakespeare did not stand alone. Download to read the full chapter text Chapter PDF John Jump Copyright information © 1969 ...
Read the full-text online edition of CliffsNotes on Goethe's Faust (1999).Robert J. Milch
Source and Related Info:Faust, Part 1(1808) My peace is gone, My heart is heavy. •Gretchen's Room 10.“Es irrt der Mensch, so lang er strebt.” —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Cite This Quote Source and Related Info:Faust, Part 1(1808) Man errs as long as he strives. ...
Faust: A Tragedy, Parts One and Two A classic of world literature, Goethe's Faust is a philosophical and poetic drama full of satire, irony, humor, and tragedy. Martin Greenberg re-creates not only the text's varied meter and rhyme but also its diverse tones and styles--dr... M Green...
That’s a very difficult question. In a sense, it is the central question with which every interpretation of the drama must contend. Let’s start with the basic facts, with the Faust story as it is inherited from the 16th century. Our text is the so-calledVolksbuch, a shrewdly conceived...
B.Hermann und Dorotheaoder derFaust,für Bartels„das größte Werk derganzenWeltliteratur“.¹²Zwarist auch fürBartels am„Kosmopolitismus“des DichterskeinVorbeikommen, doch stuft er diesen zu einem bloßen„Gerechtigkeitsgefühl“für andere Nationen herunter.Goethe, wird ein ums...
This was expressed primarily in that work which, alongside “Faust”, we today consider one of his most essential poetic bequests: the “West-Eastern Divan”, a collection of 250 poems in an oriental style. In a pre-publication announcement of this work-in which he came closer to the ...
1808: Faust Part One, closet drama 1809: Die Wahlverwandtschaften (Elective Affinities), novel 1810: Zur Farbenlehre (Theory of Colours), scientific text 1811–1830: Aus Meinem Leben: Dichtung und Wahrheit (From my Life: Poetry and Truth) autobiographical work in 4 volumes ...
• I do not like to read my Faust any more in German. He remarks at one point, but in a new French translation he finds his masterwork ―again fresh, new, and spirited‖—even though the translation is mostly in prose. • ―mirroring‖: finding the foreign perspective shar...