Albert Salomon, „Goethe“. In:Die Gesellschaft. Internationale Revue für Sozialismus und Politik9, 1. Halbband, 1932, S. 233–259. In der englischen Übersetzung von Jonathan Steinberg erschienen als „Goethe (1932)“. In: Albert Salomon,In Praise of Englightenment. Cleveland, New-York...
Faust: A Tragedy, Parts One and Two A classic of world literature, Goethe's Faust is a philosophical and poetic drama full of satire, irony, humor, and tragedy. Martin Greenberg re-creates not only the text's varied meter and rhyme but also its diverse tones and styles--dr... M Green...
Here the book returns to the Faust theme from chapter 1, and gives a close reading of the two parts of Goethe's Faust , reading this as a text introducing the subject of modernity, and seeing both Faust, and Mephistopheles, as instances of both. There are also digressive passages on ...
Faust widmet sich im zweiten Teil aktiv verschiedenen Tätigkeiten und entspricht damit einem Ideal der Klassik: Der Mensch soll alle seine Fähigkeiten ausbilden.
The author of Faust and Theory of Colours, he inspired Darwin[How to reference and link to summary or text] with his independent discovery of the human intermaxillary jaw bones and focus on evolutionary ideas. Goethe's influence spread across Europe, and for the next century his works were ...
Goethe finished writing Faust Part Two in 1832, the year of his death. In contrast to Faust Part One, the focus here is no longer on thesoulof Faust, which has been sold to thedevil, but rather on social phenomena such as psychology, history and politics. The second part formed the pr...
That’s a very difficult question. In a sense, it is the central question with which every interpretation of the drama must contend. Let’s start with the basic facts, with the Faust story as it is inherited from the 16th century. Our text is the so-calledVolksbuch, a shrewdly conceived...
Christiane Johanna Sophie Vulpius1806 - 1816 (su muerte, 1 niño) Otros trabajos Stage: His play, "Faust Parts I & II", was performed in a Royal Shakespeare Company production at The Pit Theatre in London, England, with Michael Feast, Hugh Quarshie, James Hayes, Paul Bentall, Jeffery De...
DER DICHTER UND DIE BLUMENWie der Autor des Faust es sagte: „Unwiederbringlich aus dem herrlichen Kunstelement gestoßen, der Verzweiflung übergeben, fühlte ich Wert und Würde des Naturelements desto lebhafter. Da sucht´ ich...
• text, audio and video material for selected collection highlights for free. • content available in English and German. • note: in a first step only the rooms “Werther” and “Faust-Labor” are connected with app content.