EarthCARE is the most complex Earth Explorer mission in the European Space Agency’s (ESA) FutureEO programme. This new satellite mission will quantify and reduce the uncertainty about the role that clouds and aerosols (tiny atmospheric particles) play in heating and cooling Earth’s atmosphere, c...
另一部分为各层大气发射、 operation agencies of current geostationary meteorological satellite 穿透上层大气到达成像仪的辐射。GOES成像仪红外 经度 卫星名称 卫星发射时间 卫星状态 卫星所属机构 135°W GOES-15 2013-03-04 业务运行 通道2 的中心频率约为3 .9 µm ,靠近二氧化碳4 .3 µm 美国国家海洋和...
GOES-WEST 18 Western United States and Pacific Ocean GeoColor Visible Extra Large Satellite Loop, Includes California, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, Western Canada.
There are two satellite perspectives used by the overall GOES mission. GOES East is located at 75° W longitude (above the east coast of the United States) and GOES West at 137° W longitude (over the eastern Pacific Ocean). Two satellites operate at each position, one...
The Planetary Computer STAC Collection goes-cmi captures both the CMIP and MCMIP product files into individual STAC Items for each observation from a GOES-R satellite. It contains the original CMIP and MCMIP NetCDF files, as well as cloud-optimized GeoTIFF (COG) exports of the data from eac...
NOAA satellite images over the last 50 years. (Image credit: NOAA/NESDIS) Although similar to its siblings, GOES-U will be unique as it features improvements to its instruments that came from what scientists learned from the three currently in orbit. But what will set apart GOES-U from th...
The first two satellites of the US Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R-Series (GOES-R) were launchedon November 19, 2016 and March 1, 2018 respectively. GOES-16 officially became GOES East on December 18, 2017,and the designation of GOES-17 as GOES West occurred on February 12...
The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-16 is the current operational geostationary satellite operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and is also known as the GOES-East member of the GOES-West and...
GOES-East and GOES-West satellite data are made available on Amazon Web Services through NOAA's Open Data Dissemination Program. GOES-2-go is a python package that makes it easy to find and download the files you want from AWS to your local computer with some additional helpers to visualize...
The streamers were also closely monitored for there impact on aviation, given the reduced visibility within them. From theNWS/FGF Aviation AFD: “Seeing numerous streamers this afternoon on theblowing snow satellite channeland on the Mayville radar. These are pretty extensive across the FA, so di...