go get github.com/golang/example/hello A trivial "Hello, world" program that uses a stringutil package.Command hello covers:The basic form of an executable command Importing packages (from the standard library and the local repository) Printing strings (fmt)...
conf app.conf.example enumerate.go mail.go controllers data docs graphics lib logs models routers search static uploads utils vendor views .gitignore .travis.yml Dockerfile LICENSE README.md favicon.ico main.go start.sh Breadcrumbs mindoc /conf / enumerate.go Latest commit lifei6671 1、重...
(example '-i 10') -directory string Temporary directory for enumeration OPTIMIZATIONS: -retries int Number of retries for dns enumeration (default 5) -sw, -strict-wildcard Perform wildcard check on all found subdomains -wt int Number of concurrent wildcard checks (default 250) DEBUG: -silent...
a tool to perform Windows domain enumeration through LDAP queries Version: dev (9f91330) | Built: 03/04/21 (go1.16) | Ronnie Flathers @ropnop Usage: ./windapsearch [options] -m [module] [module options] Options: -d, --domain string The FQDN of the domain (e.g. 'lab.example.com...
(e.g. 'lab.example.com'). Only needed if dc not provided --dc string The Domain Controller to query against -u, --username string The full username with domain to bind with (e.g. 'ropnop@lab.example.com' or 'LAB\ropnop') If not specified, will attempt anonymous bind --bindDN ...