The game's collaboration with the exciting anime “Godzilla Singular Point” is also set to begin today! To celebrate the collab, Toho prepared a special collab visual featuring Godzilla and Jet Jaguar. In Part I of the collab, Godzilla Terrestris will appear in-game starting now as a pl...
Although the "fanfare" portion of the late Akira Ifukube's Godzilla Theme has made numerous appearances in the first eight episodes of Godzilla Singular Point, his famous march has yet to make its debut. Supposedly recorded before the Japan-only Youtube premiere of Singular Point, a clip of ...
Second of all, Jet Jaguar's design originally annoyed me because it looked so goofy, but then I remembered that JJ is already a pretty goofy character so I can forgive it this one time. Third of all, (@1:13) was that Hedorah/Dogora/some weird fusion of the two?
as well as Jet Jaguar, the bizarre Ultraman knockoff that allows the humans to have something fun to work off (Being a popular MST3K episode doesn’t hurt either). Really, I just see this as a few notches
For those who recall before the stage was removed from the game, it was mostly a visual change to the regular Tokyo stage. The main difference was the addition of a third force unit, which was initially Rodan and Godzilla Ultima before later being swapped for Jet Jaguar and Godzilla Ultima...
"The Godzilla Singular Point soundtrack is an homage to my favorite Showa tokusatsu and fantasy films," said Sawada. "The Jet Jaguar theme at the factory, the mysterious song that solves the secret of the singularity, the song of cute Pelops 2, the theme of various monsters... We hope ...