Godzilla Minus One Shin Godzilla (DVD) (2024) Anime with English subtitle Synopsis: In 1945, near the end of World War II, kamikaze pilot Kōichi Shikishima lands his Mitsubishi A6M Zero at the Japanese ba...
25 Replies Reply Djdndnejwnwn MemberGigan These are some of the movies I think every Godzilla Fan should see. There are a lot of movies and all of them are worth watching, but these are my highlights. Also these are only Japanese films. Gojira 1954 Godzilla King of the Monsters! 1956 ...
Join thousands of other Godzilla fans in theGodzilla x Kong online forums here! You canclick hereto start your own discussion! sequelas well as images from Apple TV’sMonarch: Legacy of Monstersand Toho’sGodzilla Minus One. Stay up to date with the latest news on all things Godzilla, Toho...
minus the big Hollywood budget of course I coul see some clone Goji showing up in the MV thiugh, maybe he could have some radically different design via some genetic tampering. A guy who randomly stumbled upon this place one day, invested much too much time into it, and now appears to...
We all want to see classic monsters return to the big screen, but the monsterverse can't just put all of the monsters we want to see return. Here is a list of 5 monsters that are the most likely to return and a list of 5 monsters that are the leas...
Yes, but a lot of these are anime and have assimilated their own look and tone for creatures in that particular style and its sub-genres. Again, this is about genre and using the word where it fits correctly. No Pokemon aren't kaiju, I'll grant you that. They're their own nomenclatu...
Browse images from the upcomingGodzilla vs. Kongsequelhereas well as images from Apple TV’sMonarch: Legacy of Monstersand Toho’sGodzilla Minus One. Stay up to date with the latest news on all things Godzilla, Toho and the Monsterverse also by likingus on Facebookand by following us onTwi...