1998版的《哥斯拉》如果仅作为一部怪兽片来看,还是很不错的,尤其是它的特效至今看依然震撼,但它对于真正的哥斯拉迷来说却并不友好。 The monster in this film is more like a large dinosaur than a Godzilla. The film also reflects Hollywood's arrogance in adapting other cultures into movies, interpreting...
1998版的《哥斯拉》如果仅作为一部怪兽片来看,还是很不错的,尤其是它的特效至今看依然震撼,但它对于真正的哥斯拉迷来说却并不友好。 The monster in this film is more like a large dinosaur than a Godzilla. The film also reflects Hollywood's arrogance in adapting other cultures into movies, interpreting...
how was this film received in japan? does godzilla use the atomic breath in this movie? detalles editar fecha de lanzamiento 17 de julio de 1998 (méxico) países de origen estados unidos japón idiomas inglés francés japonés ruso español también se conoce como quái vật godzilla ...
Although Godzilla's size remains mostly consistent throughout the film (with the apparent size changes being illusions given by camera tricks) there are still a few instances where it does change. A few examples are when Godzilla's eye opens behind a soldier, and one of the shots of its ap...
How was this film received in Japan? Does Godzilla use the Atomic Breath in this movie? Détails Modifier Date de sortie 16 septembre 1998 (France)Pays d’origine États-Unis JaponLangues Anglais Français Japonais Russe Espagnol Aussi connu sous le nom de Quái Vật Godzilla ...
上映时间1998年05月18日(美国)导演 罗兰·艾默里奇 又名酷斯拉 怪兽哥斯拉 Godzilla 编剧 泰德·埃里奥特特里·罗西奥 主演 马修·布罗德里克让·雷诺玛丽亚·巴提罗莫汉克·阿扎利亚凯文·杜恩 剧情 一道亮光划过天际,太平洋上波涛汹涌,海浪以不可思议的速度将一架货机卷入海里;巴哈马丛...视频(2) 07:58 《...
5. The Gojira name drop was WAY cooler in 1998. In 1998 “Godzilla,” the lone survivor of a mysterious monster attack in the opening scene first uttered the title monster’s iconic name, and he’s clearly disturbed by what he saw. It might bethemost memorable scene from the film, an...
表演者:Various Artists 专辑类型:Soundtrack 介质:Audio CD 发行时间:1998-05-19 出版者:Sony 唱片数:1 条形码:0074646933824 相关电影:哥斯拉 豆瓣评分 6.6 24人评价 5星 6.3% 4星 31.3% 3星 50.0% 2星 12.5% 1星 0.0% 想听在听听过 评价:
Godzilla 1998(Season 2, Episode 23) TV-MA TV Episode|Documentary Edit pageAdd to list Reluctantly, James Rolfe reviews the 1998 US-American film "Godzilla" directed by Roland Emmerich. He also talks about the big advertisement campaign revolving around the film and the final disappointment it ul...
THE SERIES toys, he added: "After being greatly disappointed in the 1998 film version of GODZILLA, my interest turned to the animated version. So, while trying to discover what toys Trendmasters produced, I caught a photo of the Cyber-Godzilla prototype figure and was completely amazed. I th...