"The Man in the Suit" Godzilla Suit Incident (1954) (TV Episode 2023) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
People evacuate while the Japanese government desperately tries to determine what caused the incident. At first, they insist that it's impossible for it to have been caused by a living thing, much to the chagrin of certain officials, but to their surprise, a news report shows footage of the...
In Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, Godzilla appears with three designs: one based on the design from the 2014 film during a flashback sequence at the Golden Gate Bridge incident, which is known as "G-Day" alongside the MUTOs' attack.
Released nine years after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and only a few months after the Lucky Dragon No. 5 incident, the degree to which this film dramatized the trauma of a nation is pretty bracing. The standout sequence for me is the morning after Godzilla’s attack on Tokyo. ...
1954 a Japanese fishing vessel – Lucky Dragon 5 – was exposed to radioactive fallout from a US hydrogen bomb test. The crew were treated for acute radiation sickness (all but one survived), yet some of their irradiated catch made it to market, sparking a national crisis. The incident is...
"Oh yeah, there has been an incident in California. That theme park's cloned "animals" were brought to the mainland and were set loose, we tried to quarantine the area to the best of our abilities but those damn things keep giving us the slip up. The president issue a state of emerge...