, well, you’re probably a fan of Godspeed You! Black Emperor. They are one of the most formidable and influential “post-rock” bands to come about since the 1990s, and, like all the greats of that genre, they constantly and effortlessly transcend its boundaries. Also, smack in the mi...
“For me, the soundtrack to 28 Days Later was Godspeed,” the director told The Guardian.“The whole film was cut to Godspeed in my head.” It’s easy to understand why: Boyle had the means to create a film with a scene—gazing out over desolation, feeling completely alone—that ...
BLACK EMPERORhave creatively reconfigured the LP format – music, artwork, liner notes, and even messages etched into the runout groove – as a means to deliver their political agenda. Political messaging is nothing new in modern music, butGODSPEED YOU! BLACK EMPERORhave certainly elevated ...
ByGardensTaleonApril 16, 2018in2018,German Metal,Hard Rock,Post-metal,Prophecy Productions,Reviews,Hard Rock,Post-Metal,40 comments As I’ve mentioned around these parts before, I am first and foremost an emotional listener. Technical prowess means little to me if it doesn’t serve to elevate...