Zack Snyder tells IndieWire how his natural aesthetic was very close to the bizarro world of Norse mythology adapted into the Netflix animated series.
Primary Assignment By the Grace of the Gods Media Type anime Voiced By Yui Fukuo, 福緒唯, ふくお ゆい Tags cape, gloves, tanned, braids, facial mark, bunny, bunny ears Personality Menu Day 0 Character of the Day nominations Week 0 Character of the Week nominations Month 0 Character ...
Jim Petersis a professor of astrobiology at Miskatonic University’s London campus. He’s carrying on the work of his father, who vanished under mysterious circumstances while working for The Pickman Corporation. They help fund his research, but that doesn’t mean he trusts them. But when they...
Dreaming of a White Christmas ByErebus (Melissa Stoddart)/January 14, 2021 Featured God of the Week Hephaestus, God of Fire Forge & Fire Appointment ByHephaestus (Iain Houston)/December 17, 2022 Forge & Fire Interactions ByHephaestus (Iain Houston)/June 22, 2022 ...
0 Character of the Day nominations Week 0 Character of the Week nominations Month 0 Character of the Month nominations Comment Groups Votes Fav 3 Up 2 Down 0 Love 2 Hate 0 Profile Coco is a character from the Mobile Game Bonds of the Artist Gods. They have been indexed as Female ...
Three grim reapers help a firefighter navigate his way to the afterlife, in one of the biggest Korean films ever…Filmed back-to-back with its sequel The Last 49 Days, Along With The Gods: The Two Worlds marks the return of director Kim Yong-hwa after his popular films 200 Pounds ...
In the footsteps of the Welsh gods WALK OF THE WEEKLaurence Main
SongoftheWeek-GodsCountry(095) Song of the Week 每周一歌 God's Country 上帝的国度 Blake Shelton debuted his new single “God’s Country” on Friday (March 29). 布雷克·谢尔顿(BlakeShelton)于3月29日(星期五)首次推出他的新单曲《上帝的国度》。 The song serves as the lead track for his ...
Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms: Réalisé par Wuershan. Avec Huang Bo, Kris Phillips, Xuejian Li, Yu Xia. Une magnifique épopée fantastique orientale qui recrée les longues guerres mythiques entre humains, immortels et monstres qui se sont
Week 0Character of the Weeknominations Month 0Character of the Monthnominations CommentGroupsVotes Fav0Up0Down0Love0Hate0 Profile Jian Renis a character from the ONATomb of Fallen Gods. They have been indexed asMale Adult with Purple eyes and Black hair that is To Shoulders length. ...