Freezegave us Lovecraftian horrors in the Arctic, now for a followup writer/director Charlie Steeds takes us to the Antarctic to face even more of them in the deep sea thrillerGods of the Deep. Jim Petersis a professor of astrobiology at Miskatonic University’s London campus. He’s carrying...
For Zack Snyder, the 2D adult animated “Twilight of the Gods” series (currently streaming on Netflix) became his purest form of visual expression. In fact, his deep dive into Norse mythology was like a fever dream of sex and violence driven by the wild hand-crafted animation from French...
At WE ARE Christian electronic dance music. Come join the world's largest community of Christian djs, producers, and fans today! Check out our C-EDM articles, releases, mp3s, streaming radio, events, mobile apps, social system, and much more.
There's a moment near the climax of 2018's "Black Panther" when you realize, while watching it for the first time, that a Marvel Cinematic Universe movie is about to stick the landing on one of the greatest superhero stories told in any medium. It isn't Okoye's (Danai Gurira) stand...
Now, each alternate day they change their dwelling, one day beside Zeus, their beloved father; then in the valley of Therapnai (Therapnae) within the earth's deep folds, these brothers share their common destiny [i.e. a grave at Therapnai]; for so, rather than be for ever a god ...
In Season Three, Shadow angrily pushes this apparent destiny away, and settles in the idyllic snowy town of Lakeside, Wisconsin — to make his own path, guided by the gods of his black ancestors, the Orishas. However, he’ll soon discover that this town’s still waters run deep, and ...
You suddenly notice that tears are streaming down the man's face. Riona's grip tightens, fingers digging into the man's shoulder. 'It demands much of us. Too much, I fear. And yet...' A man in black pulls at his hair, and cries out 'I DIDN'T WANT TO SEE!!' Blood suddenly...
Only three weeks separate the DC sequel's theatrical release and streaming debut. 1 year, 10 months Comment Shazam! Fury of the Gods Director Pushes Back on Rumors About a Certain Cameo: 'It Wasn't a Deepfake' No deepfaking, just some remote shooting, says David F. Sandberg. 1 year, ...
Kohli’s voice, in particular, lovely but not without pathos, tries to lend a lightness to the increasingly leaden proceedings; Hivju’s deep, resonant bass, cut through with crustiness, aligns well with his role as an ancient blacksmith. Alas, their roles exist merely to provide exposition ...
"As Earth men say, we are between the devil and the deep sea, Tars Tarkas," I replied, nor could I help but smile at our dilemma. "There is naught that we can do but take things as they come, and at least have the satisfaction of knowing that whoever slays us eventually will ha...