I hope you enjoyed these observations on common Celtic gods and goddesses, their symbols and meanings. Check back often, as I’ll be adding more god/goddess symbols as time permits. Also, check out the links at the end of this page for more articles related to Celtic symbolism. As always...
Hephaestus:The god of fire. He is known for the tools and crafts he creates. Symbols associated with Hephaestus are the hammer, volcano, and forge. Aphrodite:The goddess of love, beauty, and desire who is said to be the most beautiful of all the goddesses. Aphrodite symbols include the ro...
Her symbols include the pomegranate, representing her time in the underworld, and the torch, signifying her role as a guide between worlds. Hestia, the goddess of the hearth and home, is perhaps the least complex but most essential of the goddesses. Her personality is serene and stable, ...
Since long back, Gods & Goddesses are symbols of love. They have the alluring charm and beauty that were unmatched during the ancient times. History reveals, God and Goddess has been given many forms and names, depending on culture of peoples of the world. The multitude of names and forms ...
10 Weird (and Funny) Gods and Goddesses Vajra, the thunderbolt, in Swyambhu Monastery in Kathmandu. Vinaya Fertility Symbols in Hinduism Here's a look at some fertility symbols in Hinduism. Snake or Naga Snake called Naga in Hinduism is one of the most powerful fertility symbols. Naga as...
Greekgodsandgoddesses ByEvaW Zeus AswellasbeingKingoftheGods,ZeuswasalsotherulerofMountOlympusandtheGreekgodofskyandthunder.Hissymbolsarethunderbolt,eagle,oakandbull.CronusandRheawereZeus’parents,healsohadsomesiblingsandhewastheyoungestofallhissiblings.HerawasZeus’wife.MostoftheGreekgodswerehischildren-Are...
【K12启蒙英语学习】greek-gods-and-goddesses GreekGodsandGoddess InGreekmythologywasmanyGodsandGoddess.Therearesomeofthem.Aphrodite Thegoddessoflove,beauty,anddesire.AlthoughmarriedtoHephaestusshehadmanylovers,mostnotablyAres.ShewasdepictedasabeautifulwomanusuallyaccompaniedbyhersonEros.Hersymbolsincludetherose,...
Gods and goddesses had both a good and bad side and were connected to nature. The Mayan gods controlled every part of life, including the weather, the harvesting of crops, life and death. Let's discover some interesting facts about a few of the most important ones. ...
The Sumerian Gods and Goddesses listed below went by many names within this pantheon and others in all ancient civilizations. There is always a hierarchy, duality, and a connection to ancient aliens who visited the planet and created humans through the consciousness behind reality that created every...
Overtime, the pantheon of gods and goddesses underwent many changes, additions and deletions, resulting in further complexity. In the early Vedic period, the Vedic gods occupied a place of prominence, with Agni, Indra, Vayu, Soma, Varuna, Adityas, Maruts, Visvadevas, Brahma, Prajapati, Pusan...