[Shading language] https://docs.godotengine.org/en/3.5/tutorials/shaders/shader_reference/shading_language.html [Godot Shaders] https://docs.godotengine.org/en/3.5/tutorials/shaders/index.html [Particle shaders] https://docs.godotengine.org/en/3.5/tutorials/shaders/shader_reference/particle_sha...
material.set_shader_param("some_value", some_value) 注意:set_shader_param的第一个参数是shader中uniform变量的变量名,它必须和shader中的uniform名字严格匹配,否则将不会被识别。 除void以外的任何GLSL类型都可以作为一个uniform变量。特别地,Godot提供了一种可选的着色器提示(shader hint),来使编译器理解这个...
shader_reference canvas_item_shader.rst fog_shader.rst particle_shader.rst shader_preprocessor.rst shading_language.rst sky_shader.rst spatial_shader.rst visual_shaders.rst your_first_shader your_first_2d_shader.rst ui gui_containers.rst gui_skinning.rst gui_theme_type_variat...
_static Add self links to shader functions page Dec 14, 2024 _styleguides Add German style guide Nov 16, 2023 _templates Only show warning box if page is outdated Dec 17, 2024 _tools CI: Integrate pre-commit for style checks Nov 15, 2024 about Merge pull request godotengine#10369 from...
func_ready()->void:# Give every state a reference to the state machine.forstate_node: Stateinfind_children("*","State"): state_node.finished.connect(_transition_to_next_state)# State machines usually access data from the root node of the scene they're part of: the owner.# We wait ...
./servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/ssao.glsl ./servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/ssil_blur.glsl ./servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/ssil_importance_map.glsl ./servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/ssil_interleave.glsl ./servers/rendering/renderer_rd/shaders/ssil.glsl Comment...
Support for switch statements in the shader language. Support for do {...} while (...) loops in the shader language. Unlike while, the expression in the do block will always be run at least once. Support for hexadecimal number literals in the shader language. Ported several GLES3 shader...
Use built-in math functions over manual calculations GDScript exposes a library of functions to do math calculations. Explore @GDScript in the built-in class reference to find functions built into the language. You should use those instead of manually calculating values whenever possible. Here are ...
So that if somebody from the community says, "You know what, I know how to actually write that shader system," they can go in look and say, "Well, it's deficient, or it needs more work." They can write and contribute. Someone else can pick that up and run with it. So it's ...