func _process (delta): # rotate 90 degrees a second rotation_degrees += 90 * delta 接下来,选择Area2D节点,在Inspector中选择Node标签,双击body_entered信号在脚本中添加函数。 回到脚本,在函数中填上检测进入body的对象是否是player,如果是,调用collect_coin函数,销毁硬币。 # called when something collides ...
为CollisionShape2D增加CapsuleShape2D(胶囊)形状,将Rotation Degrees(旋转角度)设定为90,缩放以使形状匹配动画。 2. 添加敌人脚本 2.1 创建脚本 2.2 为随机敌人做准备 func _ready(): $AnimatedSprite.playing=true var mob_types=$AnimatedSprite.frames.get_animation_names() $AnimatedSprite.animation= mob_types[r...
另外,这里的代码实际上会让它转到91度再开始逆时针旋转。可以考虑如何修改代码才能在90度的时候就开始往回转。 当然我又骗了你。实际上不用一直deg_to_rad。sprite有一个rotation_degrees变量,顾名思义就是以度为单位的旋转量。另外,旋转的时候可以直接用rotate函数传入弧度进行旋转。 这里的做法不是最优的,也没...
rotation_degrees = -90 Visibility GML visible = true; visible = false; GDScript show() hide() visible = true visible = false set_visibility(true) set_visibility(false) Direction functions All rotation functions in Godot will rotate clockwise as the variable increases (GameMaker rotates counter-cl...
Compared to 3.x, creating flipped / rotated tiles is a bit more complex in 4.0. You need to create alternative tiles for each tile. To solve this issue, I suggest using 3 bits from thealternative_tileto store the filp_h/flip_v/transpose status, which is a 32 bit integer. It's the...
mob's position to a random location.mob.position=$MobPath/MobSpawnLocation.position# Add some randomness to the direction.direction+=rand_range(-PI/4,PI/4)mob.rotation=direction# Choose the velocity.mob.set_linear_velocity(Vector2(rand_range(mob.min_speed,mob.max_speed),0).rotated(...
Modifying entities in the scene is a bit different than 2D as there is now an additional axis. You still translate, scale and rotate using the same toolbar and hotkeys: However, the resulting widget is a fair bit different. There is a color coded widget per axis, enabling you to make...
Modifying entities in the scene is a bit different than 2D as there is now an additional axis. You still translate, scale and rotate using the same toolbar and hotkeys: However, the resulting widget is a fair bit different. There is a color coded widget per axis, enabling you to make...
When rotating a Vector2 / Vector3 that has only the integer parts, by 90, 180 or 270 degrees, the result of Vector2.rotated() or Vector3.rotated() returns a value with a floating point error. When printing the result into the console, the result appears as if the floating point err...