29 shapes.sort_custom(Sorter, "sort") 30 var etime = OS.get_ticks_msec() - stime 31 print("检测耗时(毫秒)", etime) 32 var collider = shapes[0]["collider"] 33 if collider.has_method("_on_drag"): 34 if collider.get_index() < collider.get_parent().get_child_count() - 1: 3...
if ev.pressed and get_global_rect().has_point(ev.global_position): look_for_swipe = true swipe_mouse_start = ev.global_position elif swiping: swipe_mouse_times.append(OS.get_ticks_msec()) swipe_mouse_positions.append(ev.global_position) var source := Vector2(get_h_scroll(), get_v_...
When trying to assign OS.get_ticks_msec() to a variable with :=, the parser throws Could not infer the type of the variable "msec" because the initial value is "null".. This maybe also happening with other methods but I haven't checked yet. This only happens in release builds. ......
OS.get_ticks_usec() is now exposed to GDScript. Normals can now be flipped when generated via SurfaceTool. TextureProgress bars can now be bilinear (extending in both directions). The character used for masking secrets in LineEdit can now be changed. Improved DynamicFont: DynamicFonts can ...
(delta): # GD3# func _idle(delta): # GD3# func _physics_process(delta):func _process(delta):var now=Time.get_ticks_msec()ifsubtitles[current].end*100<now:current+=1subtitle_state=FRESHifcurrent>=subtitles.size():quit()returnifsubtitle_state==FRESHandsubtitles[current].start*100<now:...
有方法get_ticks_msec和get_ticks_usec(GetTicksMsec类(以前的GetTicksUsecC# 中的and ) ,它们为您提供单调时间,您可以使用它来进行时间比较。TimeOS 因此,如果您按照应该拍摄的时间排列一个队列(通过当前时间加上您需要的任何间隔来计算)。然后在您的进程或物理进程回调中,您可以检查队列。将所有逾期的时间出队,...
OS.get_thread_caller_id() method to print the ID of the thread the code is currently running on. Image.load_bmp_from_buffer() method to load BMP images at run-time. Image.resize_to_po2() now accepts an optional "interpolation" parameter, defaulting to bilinear filtering. Nearest-neighb...
OS.get_ticks_usec() is now exposed to GDScript. Normals can now be flipped when generated via SurfaceTool. TextureProgress bars can now be bilinear (extending in both directions). The character used for masking secrets in LineEdit can now be changed. Improved DynamicFont: DynamicFonts can ...
OS.get_ticks_usec() is now exposed to GDScript. Normals can now be flipped when generated via SurfaceTool. TextureProgress bars can now be bilinear (extending in both directions). The character used for masking secrets in LineEdit can now be changed. Improved DynamicFont: DynamicFonts can ...
OS.get_ticks_usec() is now exposed to GDScript. Normals can now be flipped when generated via SurfaceTool. TextureProgress bars can now be bilinear (extending in both directions). The character used for masking secrets in LineEdit can now be changed. Improved DynamicFont: DynamicFonts can ...