Static variable in a custom main loop causes the game view camera manipulation to not work #102560 commented on Feb 27, 2025 • 0 new comments Incorrect AABB when another instance is animated #102136 commented on Feb 27, 2025 • 0 new comments If local-to-scene is true, SubReso...
if not os.path.isdir(x) or not os.path.exists(x + "/"): continue @@ -198,7 +195,7 @@ opts.Add(BoolVariable("threads", "Enable threading support", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("deprecated", "Enable compatibility code for deprecated and removed features", True)) opts.Add...
()"user://")if(user_dir.dir_exists("user://my_dir")):print("user://my_dir exist!")# Checking if a directory exist in file"")if(fs_dir.dir_exists("c:\\Windows")):# guilty as charged -- marynateprint("c:\\...
# Make this a node variable or it will disconnect when the function that creates it returns @onready var socket = Nakama.create_socket_from(client) func _ready(): var connected : NakamaAsyncResult = await socket.connect_async(session) if connected.is_exception(): print("An error occurred:...
I have to add one boolean to track if the character is gliding. So, when I add a new mechanic, I likely need to add a new boolean variable to track it. If my character can glide, climb ladders, and shoot, I’ll have to keep track of three new boolean variables? That’s not gre...
Assigning a variable with a function index will no longer evaluate the function twice. For instance, doing a[function()] += 1 will no longer evaluate function() twice. If the function has side effects, this may change the resulting program behavior. GDScript type checks are now enabled in...
The test customer is waiting for a friend whose arrival time is an exponentially distributed random variable. The test customer can either join the queue, if one exists, or wait outside the queue. Once the test customer joins the queue, he must stay in the queue until he reaches the ...
varnakama_socket:NakamaSocketsetget_set_readonly_variable# Internal variable for initializing the socket.var_nakama_socket_connecting:=falsesignalsocket_connected(nakama_socket)funcconnect_nakama_socket()->void:ifnakama_socket!=null:returnif_nakama_socket_connecting:return_nakama_socket_connecting=truevar...
ignoring_cache && thread_load_tasks.has(local_path)) { load_token = Ref<LoadToken>(thread_load_tasks[local_path].load_token); if (load_token.is_valid()) { if (p_for_user) { // Load task exists, with no user tokens at the moment. // Let's "attach" to it. _load_threaded_...
If it's only the brightness changing slightly, then this is VRR flicker which is prevalent on displays that use variable refresh rate. It's a hardware phenomenon: nothing can be done to fix it, but you can disable VRR in the system settings. Calinouadded topic:rendering topic:editor needs...