When measuring the mouse position, I noticed that the mouse didn't fully go to the right of the screen by 1 pixel. This caused an issue in my project where scrolling the screen to the right was slightly slower than scrolling to the left. I tested this on my Windows 10 Desktop, with ...
Just like Node2D and Node3D positions refer to their position in world coordinates, and CanvasItems' position refers to their position in CanvasLayer coordinates, any reference to position or global_position should be in the same coordinate system as the caller. Specifically: Viewport.get_mouse_po...
isDragging=trueifisDraggingandInput.is_action_just_released("camera_pan"):isDragging=falseifisDragging:var moveVector=get_viewport().get_mouse_position()-dragStartMousePos position=dragStartCameraPos-moveVector*1/zoom.x
Vector2get_local_mouse_position()const 获取相对于此项目位置的鼠标位置。 Transform2Dget_transform()const 获取此项的变换矩阵。 Rect2get_viewport_rect()const 将视窗的边界以Rect2值获取。 Transform2Dget_viewport_transform()const 获取此项目相对于视窗的变换。 World2Dget_world_2d()const 获取此项目所在的...
class Body : KinematicBody2D { public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta) { var spaceState = GetWorld2d().DirectSpaceState; var result = spaceState.IntersectRay(globalPosition, enemyPosition, new object[] { this }); } } 例外数组可以包含对象或RID。 碰撞遮罩 ...
欢迎来到 Godot 引擎 的官方文档,Godot 引擎是一款免费、由开源社区驱动的 2D 和 3D 游戏引擎!如果是初次阅读本文档,我们建议您读一下 introduction page ,以对本文档的内容有一个整体的了解。 入门 开发 开始编译 引擎开发 编辑器开发 社区 类参考
25 var shapes = get_world_2d().direct_space_state.intersect_point(get_global_mouse_position(), 9999, [], 0x7fffffff, false, true) 26 var size = shapes.size() 27 if size > 0: 28 if size > 1: 29 shapes.sort_custom(Sorter, "sort") ...
extendsKinematicBody2Dfunc_physics_process(delta):varspace_state=get_world().direct_space_statevarresult=space_state.intersect_ray(global_position,enemy_position,[self],collision_mask) 摄像机投射射线 constray_length=1000func_input(event):ifeventisInputEventMouseButtonandevent.pressed andevent.button_ind...
@onready var mouse: Mouse = $Mouse @onready var expected_position = SnapUtils.get_tile_map_position($TestMarker.position) Now, we can put it on a scene, and we are good! We know where a mouse starts, we know where it should end up, and in how many steps. ...
var target_position = get_global_mouse_position() var direction = (target_position - global_position).normalized() velocity = direction * speed * delta move_and_collide(velocity) In this code, the player will move towards the position of the mouse click whenever theclickaction is triggered. ...