Extinction Eclipse ❮❯ We are a software development company based in Costa Rica. We like to create innovative digital products for the web and mobile. Our company is commited to the environment that's why we also work on solutions that help lower the carbon impact of modern life, like...
Here's one less reason for game developers to skip over using the free and open sourceGodot Engine, as it now has a free port available to bring games over to the Nintendo Switch. You may remember recently that W4 Games, a company set-up by some of the Godot team,announcedtheir own...
据Game Developer 9 月 9 日报道,W4 Games 副总裁 Simon Jones 表示最早将于今年 10 月推出用于开源游戏引擎 Godot 的主机移植工具,这会为希望将自家产品移植到 Switch、Playstation 5 或 Xbox Series 平台的开发人员带来更多选择。 图片:Game Developer W4 Games 由 Godot 创始人 Rémi Verschelde 和 Juan Lin...
向所有人免费开放和开源,前提是取得Nintendo Switch开发者资格.该端口相对W4的官方版本功能有所不足,比如未精细优化,不支持C#等.但开源免费毕竟是好事,众人拾柴火焰高.有能力者也可不断共享完善.作为官方收费的商…
To get your games in front of the massive PlayStation 5, Switch, and Xbox Series S/X audiences, you must do the porting work yourself or hire one of Godot’s recommended third-party partners. Console makers charge serious money for the right to put games on their platforms, so GameMaker...
thoughton / godot-tlh tiagosr / godot timesong / godot timothyqiu / godot timroes / godot timvisee / godot tko / godot toddetzel / godot TokisanGames / godot tomby / 3DEngine tomzhang / godot tonysergi / godot toumorokoshi / godot tracend / godot trcm / godot...
Now there’s no excuse not to use Godot Engine for making indie games for Nintendo Switch! We look forward to the innovative and engaging games that will come from the Godot Engine development community. Keep scrolling down for a quick FAQ!
thoughton / godot-tlh tiagosr / godot timesong / godot timothyqiu / godot timroes / godot timvisee / godot tko / godot toddetzel / godot TokisanGames / godot tomby / 3DEngine tomzhang / godot tonysergi / godot toumorokoshi / godot tracend / godot trcm / godot...
AWARDS | INDIE Live Expo | Broadcasting All the Latest Info on Indie Games 独游公告板 一周拾遗:本周值得关注的新发售、重新上架或公布新版本的独立游戏。 1. 12 月 7 日,已发售两年的《药剂工艺:炼金模拟器》上线了大型免费更新“魔法花园 2.0”。本次更新解锁了更多魔法花园区域,且玩家可以自由选择种植...
This introduction is worth it for either new into game development or experienced developers looking to switch platform. As Unity has changed its fees plenty of developers like me are looking to switch into a similar platform and this is the best choice for 2D or not to heavy 3D games. Whil...