.duplicate()是一个方法,属于Node和Resource类,用于创建现有节点或资源的副本,包括所有属性和嵌套对象的深拷贝。 var original_node = $"NodePath" var duplicated_node = original_node.duplicate() get_parent().add_child(duplicated_node ) # 将复制的节点添加到场景树中 .instantiate( ) 是一个方法,属于Pac...
图片来自维基百科。 在刚才的场景中,在根节点上单击右键选择添加子节点(Add Child Node),或者快捷键Ctrl+A,又或者点击上方的加号图标,弹出添加节点的对话框: 中间的树形列表显示了所有Godot内置的节点类型,它们有着各不相同的功能。节点之间的层次关系体现了它们的继承关系,简单来说,次级节点继承了上级节点的功能,并...
If we duplicate a node added using GDExtension or a plugin and @tool, then the node is duplicated twice, the more we duplicate this node, the more descendants it has When reloading a project, extra nodes are sometimes shown in the editor, sometimes not, which is also quite strange. Steps...
将第一个pass这一行改成print("Hello World"),就像这样: extendsNode2D# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.func_ready()->void:print("Hello World")# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.func_process(delta:float)->void:pass 需...
Node duplicate ( int flags=15 ) const 复制节点,返回新节点。 您可以使用flags(参阅DuplicateFlags)调节复制行为。 Node find_node ( String mask, bool recursive=true, bool owned=true ) const 查找此节点的后代,其名称与“mask”匹配 。String.match(即区分大小写,但' * '匹配零个或多个字符和' ?匹配...
Attempt toduplicate()a node which re-orders it's children during_init(). Scripts will be applied to nodes at the original child indices before any reordering. Minimal reproduction project (MRP) minimal.zip duplicate()is called inside the_ready()function of node.gd...
1 Duplicate(deep : bool) 在C#只有深拷贝 usingGodot;usingGodot.Collections;publicclassTest:Node2D{publicoverridevoid_Ready(){Array<Vector2>a=newArray<Vector2>(newVector2(1,2),newVector2(1,2));Array<Vector2>a1=a.Duplicate(false);// 深拷贝Array<Vector2>a2=a.Duplicate(true);// 深拷贝Arra...
复制节点node varorig=get_node("SomeNode")varcopy=orig.duplicate()add_child(copy) 解析json vard={}varerr=d.parse_json(json_string)if(err!=OK):print("error parsing json") 多维数组 vara=[[1,2],[3,4]] 本地存储 vargold=150# I have lots of gold!varf=File.new()varerr=f.open("...
Remove two very slightly displaced duplicate vertices on Gobot's face 4年前 logo.svg Style: Optimize .svg files with svgo 8个月前 logo_outlined.png Convert the logo's text outlines into paths 2年前 logo_outlined.svg Style: Optimize .svg files with svgo 8个月前 methods...
node.queue_free() 这段代码中,通过方法player.set_network_master(id)给每个玩家设置了相应的Master ID只有id等于当前玩家的network id才是主人节点,即id == GameState.myId,玩家的名字也是他们各自 ID ,确保每个玩家中所有玩家节点相统一。 Godot Master and Puppet ...