Read the storage objects and parse the JSON data: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 var read_object_id ="unlocks", "hats", session.user_id) var result : NakamaAPI.ApiStorageObjects = await client.read_storage_objects_async(session, read_object_id) print("Unlocked hats: ")...
4.在Godot日志中可以拿到正常消息,在Exception中可以拿到错误消息 5.持久化日志到json文件,启动时加载,可以显示上一次测试的结果 日志文件路径:C:\Users\liu102401\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\项目名称\logs 最终效果 ui是自制的 部分代码 仅供参考 usingGodot;usingliu102401.Utils;usingNewtonsoft.Json;usin...
To get VSCode GDScript debugging working inGodot 4.0 Beta 4: In VSCode InSettings, search forgodotand setGodot_tools: Editor_pathto the Godot executable If your workspace has no.vscode/launch.jsonfile, Open the Run and Debug sidebar, clickcreate a launch.json file ...
41.如何在运行时设置strech mode? get_tree().set_screen_stretch() 42.如何获取当前系统信息? OS类,详情见文档,比如: OS.get_name() [GodotDocs] OS 43.如何读写json? f4文档 关键词json,to_json 44.如何读写文件? [GodotQ&A] Read & Write ..."res://xxx.json",File.READ) #json文件的位置var text = file.get_as_text()var json = parse_json(text)txt = json[str(id)] #将id转换为字符串型,json["1"]就是"1":["天气","时间","地点","人物","事件","文字","图片"]$Panel/VBoxContainer/Label1.text = txt[1] #txt...
1 Adding text to objectives in the tutorial 2 Using a JSON file to update the objectives After watching (learning outcomes)… Finish the tutorial by revisiting JSON files 37 The Final Polishing of Heist Meisters! In this video (objectives)… 1 Plug the tutorial into the game 2 Fix the tuto...
label.text=JSON.print(goods_data,'\t')returnlabel # 返回这个标签,显示数据 然后给TextureRect节点的属性添加文字,设置成任何非空格字符串都可以,这样鼠标指上去会调用方法,我给它设置成 111,任何字符都无所谓 我们再切回Inventory.tscn场景,按 F6 运行测试一下,鼠标指到物品上,然后显示出了物品信息: ...
Connecting VS Code to the Godot Executable To tell VS Code where to look for Godot, I needed to specify the path for the executable. Inside.godot/editor/project_metadata.cfgI updated theexecutable_pathproperty to my Godot path. I repeated this process in.vscode/settings.json, and VS Code us...,File.READ)vardata=parse_json(file.get_as_text()) file.close()iftypeof(data)==TYPE_DICTIONARY: player=dataelse:printerr("Corrupted data!")else:printerr("No saved data!") After setting up the script as an Autoload in our Project settings, any node may
The_save_credentials()method basically just writes a JSON file with the user’s credentials, so they can be loaded later. This isn’t terribly secure - if this were a live game, I’d recommend either not including this feature, or encrypting the file somehow. However, this is a very ...