Little update for anyone stumbling upon this via search engines: Reddit user /u/golddotasksquestions provided an excellent step by step write-up on how to combine low res UI with low-res games using viewports in 4.0. As you can see, the process is pretty janky and unintuitive by Godot st...
External lists, that might be helpful.
1._enter_tree()vs_ready() [reddit] enter_tree() vs. ready(), etc. Are there rules of thumb regarding which initialization function to do my housekeeping? 2. 如何用脚本 connect signals? [reddit] explain to me how to use the signals in Godot, please. 3. collision layer 和 collision m... 4. 9 月 11 日,心理恐怖游戏《Chorus of Carcosa》在 Reddit 论坛公开了其首部宣传片,并宣布将进行封闭测试,玩家可前往 Steam 平台申请测试资格。该游戏灵感来自于美国作家罗伯特·W·钱伯斯的短篇恐怖小说集《黄衣之王》(其中《黄衣》为克苏鲁神话奠基作),玩家...
[reddit] enter_tree() vs. ready(), etc. Are there rules of thumb regarding which initialization function to do my housekeeping? 2. 如何用脚本connect signals? [reddit] explain to me how to use the signals in Godot, please. 3. collision layer 和 collision mask有什么区别 ...
[reddit] enter_tree() vs. ready(), etc. Are there rules of thumb regarding which initialization function to do my housekeeping? 2. 如何用脚本connect signals? [reddit] explain to me how to use the signals in Godot, please. 3. collision layer 和 collision mask有什么区别 ...
4. 9 月 11 日,心理恐怖游戏《Chorus of Carcosa》在 Reddit 论坛公开了其首部宣传片,并宣布将进行封闭测试,玩家可前往 Steam 平台申请测试资格。该游戏灵感来自于美国作家罗伯特·W·钱伯斯的短篇恐怖小说集《黄衣之王》(其中《黄衣》为克苏鲁神话奠基作),玩家将扮演一位被困在不断变化的旧公寓楼中的雕塑家。
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Games that use Godot. 2D 3D Projects Non-game projects made with Godot (tools/utilities). Godello- A Trello-like kanban board application made with Godot. A proof of concept for complex non-game applications with Godot, as well real-time online interactions between multiple users. Includes bac...