一. Player动起来 1. 脚本 切换至Player场景,为Player添加脚本。这个以CharacterBody2D:Basic Movement为模板的脚本会为我们实现方向键移动和空格键跳跃。 2. 碰撞体 这时候运行游戏,Player会直接坠落,我们可以在场景中添加一个碰撞体。 在窗口上方的菜单栏中切换回至2D模式,Game场景,①给Game添加一个子节点StaticBo...
body.get_node("CollisionShape2D").queue_free() 使Player在碰到Killzone的时候释放自身的CollisionShape2D节点,时间碰撞后掉落(因为没有碰撞形状后就无法与tiles相碰而“站”在tiles上) 二. Player 1. 模板Basic Movement 当前Player使用的是以CharacterBody2D:Basic Movement为模板的脚本player,实现方向键移动和空格...
在之前导入的资源文件中查找playerGrey_walk1和2图片文件,拖放到walk动画帧中。 在之前导入的资源文件中查找playerGrey_up1和2图片文件,拖放到up动画帧中。 点选AnimatedSprite节点,在检查器中点击Node2D下的Transform项,修改Scale(缩放)的x和y都为0.5(一半长度宽度) 1.3 添加碰撞检查 点击Player节点,添加CollisionSha...
在3D场景中也有对等的CharacterBody3D。我们再一次新建一个Player场景,用CharacterBody3D作为其根节点。模板保持默认,如果默认不是Basic Movement请手动选择,我们稍后在模板代码的基础上修改。 实际上从模板中可以看出,3D的CharacterBody很多属性、方法和2D版本的名字是一样的——只不过相关类型从Vector2变成了Vector3。
1. Creating the game scene & the player node 16:05 2. The basic player movement script 15:39 3. Setting up the map input actions 04:25 4. Attaching the sword to the Player 04:10 5. Setting up the player's idlerun animations 11:17 6. Setting up the player's airborne animations ...
回到player 场景, 左上角点击添加脚本按钮. 使用CharacterBody2D: Base Movement模板, 修改路径为:res://scripts/player.gd 由于使用的模板, 可以看到脚本中已经包含了任务基本的移动和跳跃的代码. 再次运行游戏, 可以发现 骑士 立刻从屏幕掉下去了. 我们需要给骑士创建一个碰撞实体来让他站立. ...
BoxCam2D - Simplest way to implement grid-based 2D camera movement. Cartographer - Heightmap-based 3D terrain editor. Code Snapshot - A plugin which lets you take beautified screenshots of your code within the editor. CRT Shader - A Godot shader that simulates CRT Displays with many shader ...
Make your first 2D Godot game with good-looking game assets! What you’ll learn: Learn to make a good-looking 2D action game with Godot Learn how to code a 2D game in GDScript Learn how to control the player’s 2D movement Learn how to use the AutoTile system with the TileMap node...
Extend theCharacterBody2Dnode, set the movement speed, and get the input from the arrow keys (ui_left, ui_right, ui_up, ui_down). Calculate the movement velocity based on the input direction, normalize it, and then move the player using themove_and_collidefunction in the_physics_processm...
Collision detection affects most parts of your game, from how your player stands on a platform to how they destroy enemies. ByImran Alam Aug 28, 2023 How to Use RayCast2D Nodes for Line-of-Sight Detection in Godot Programming Use this technique to enhance enemy movement and behavior by emula...