As her cult expanded she assumed wider functions and became, like Hera, the principal female divinity of the state. For example, as Sospita, portrayed as an armed deity, she wasinvokedall over Latium and particularly at Lanuvium, originally as a saviour of women but eventually as saviour of...
Artemis was the goddess of childbirth. She was invoked during labour along with Hera-Eileithyia, the goddess protector of women and labour. Whereas Hera-Eileithyia was the patron of mothers in childbirth, Artemis was the patron-protector of the infant. Indeed, as a baby herself, Artemis was...
Hera is often depicted as wearing a crown due to her role as queen of the gods on Mount Olympus. Hera is known as the Greek goddess of: Marriage Family Childbirth Women Overall, she was titled the protector of women. Hera was known for being faithful herself, but she is often described...
(Classical Myth & Legend) Greek myth the goddess of agricultural fertility and protector of marriage and women. Roman counterpart: Ceres Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, ...
Goddess Durga is the epitome of supreme power and embodies the limitless capabilities of women. She is also the destroyer of evil forces and the protector of the universe. If you are a devout worshipper of Goddess Durga and if her brave acts inspire and interest you, then you should definite...
In most Yoruba stories, Oshun is generally depicted as the protector, saviour, or nurturer of humanity. Oshun has also been described as the maintainer of spiritual balance or mother of sweet things. One myth highlights Oshun as the central figure in the creation of human beings. The Yoruba ...
(Shukla Paksha), this festival is celebrated mainly by women who worship Devi Parvati as the Goddess of harvest and protector of women. It’s also closely linked to Ganesh Chaturthi, a festival celebrated in veneration of lord Ganesha who is Devi Parvati’s son. Besides Karnataka, Gowri ...
St Barbara is the protector of the miners, underground workers. Before building tunnels, construction workers set small shrines to Santa Barbara at the tunnel portals to invoke her protection. Salt is being considered in many parts of the world the white gold of the Earth. ...
The term hebephilia is based on the Greek goddess and protector of youth Hebe, but, in Ancient Greece, also referred to the time before manhood in Athens (depending on the reference, the specific age could be 14, 16 or 18 years old). 恋少年(Hebephilia)这个单词的来源被认为来自青春女神...
The final chapter in Hennethel’s journey to become the Protector Goddess of her people is finally upon us, and so is her most fearsome opponent yet! You dare not miss Rise of the Guardian 3, our most exciting and action-packed series finale to date! Synopsis: Hennethel has located the...