In ancient art Nyx was portrayed as either a winged goddess or charioteer, sometimes crowned with an aureole of dark mist, trailing stars and painting the night sky accompanied by her two sons, Hypnos and Thanatos. 尼克斯是司夜女神,她向人类以及诸神发号施令。其名字与“黑夜”同义,描绘了她的...
Nyx Roman Name Nox Translation Night (nyx, nyktos) Nyx goddess of night, Athenian black-figure lekythos C5th B.C.,Metropolitan Museum of Art NYX was the goddess of the night, one of the primordial gods (protogenoi) who emerged as the dawn of creation. ...
Nyx (Nox; Night) Greek The goddess of night, daughter of Chaos and sister of Erebus (Darkness).
Goddess of the Night deck plan review at CruiseMapper provides newest cruise deck plans (2025-2026-2027 valid floor layouts of the vessel) extracted from the officially issued by Seajets Neonyx Cruises (Small Cruise Lines) deckplan pdf (printable version). Each of the Goddess of the Night cru...
Nyx- (a.k.a. Nox) Goddess of night. Greek Goddess Names P-S Peitha- (a.k.a. Peitho, Suadela) Goddess of persuasion. Persephone- (a.k.a. Persephassa, Persipina, Persipnei, Persephatta, Proserpina, Kore, Kora, Libera) Goddess of the Spring who lives off-season in the Underworld...
THE HESPERIDES were the goddess-nymphs of evening and the golden light of sunsets. They were the daughters of either Nyx (Night) or the heaven-bearing Titan Atlas. The Hesperides were entrusted with the care of the tree of the golden apples which was had been presented to the goddess Hera...
Elpis' lineage also adds depth to her character. As a daughter of Nyx, the goddess of night, and residing among siblings associated with doom and despair, Elpis stands out as a symbol of optimism in the face of darkness. Her presence serves as a reminder that even in the bleakest of cir...
daughter of Nyx who rules the star-strewn night and Erebos, great one whose gift it is to wrap us in the comfort of the dark. Eleos, so long ago your altar stood in Athens’ marketplace, amid the temples and assemblies, where all could see your name, ...
Nemesis, in Greek religion, two divine conceptions, the first an Attic goddess, the daughter of Nyx (Night), and the second an abstraction of indignant disapproval, later personified. Nemesis the goddess (perhaps of fertility) was worshipped at Rhamnus i
Ourania (Urania) (Heavenly), illustrious, laughter-loving (philommeideia) queen, sea-born (pontogenes), night-loving (philopannyx), of awful mien; crafty, from whom Ananke (Necessity) first came, producing, nightly, all-connecting dame. 'Tis thine the world with harmony to join, for all...