第一、登录Email Forwarding产品入口 可以看到下图所示,Wordspace email选项中有Email Forwarding免费邮局。 第二、设置Email Forwarding邮局账户 点击SET UP按钮就可以开始Email Forwarding邮局账户设置过程。 选择在当前Godaddy账户中已有的域名,然后点击SET UP设置。 设置完毕之后,我们可以看到上图所示,需要等几分钟,才可以...
租用Godaddy主机和域名会免费提供Email Forwarding转发邮箱,可以利用来设置自己域名的企业邮局。那么怎么设置呢?本文就来介绍一下具体设置方法。第一、登录Email Forwarding产品入口可以看到下图所示,Wordspace email选项中有Email Forwarding免费邮局。 第二、设置Email Forwarding邮局账户点击SET UP按钮就可以开始Email ...
第一步:在Godaddy上设置邮件转发 进入Godaddy的MyAccount界面后,找到Products标签,点Email,展开后点Set up free email Forwarding 和Free email with domain。 之后按照提示逐步设置好就行了,我在这里同时设置了邮箱转发和个人邮箱,两项都是免费的。注意要记好workspace个人邮箱的用户名和密码,一会第二步要用。 值得...
FREE EMAIL PLASN代表是购买虚拟主机赠送的,FREE EMAIL FORWARDING代表是购买域名赠送的。区别就是前者有10MB大小,后者有1GB大小,其他都一样的。 我们选择其中一个免费邮箱,点击后面的SET UP按钮,开启。 在弹出的窗口中,如上图。我们可以选择邮局的数据中心,可以选择新加坡、美国、欧洲,这里我们选择和虚拟主机一样经常...
WHMCS allows you to set up automatic domain registration on a per-extension basis, enabling you to use different registrars for different TLDs. To enable automatic registration, seeDomain Pricing. Domain Sync# This module supports automatic domain synchronization for syncing expiry dates and status cha...
After the changes have been saved, you should see your forwarding destination instead of that “not set up” text, with a pencil icon that you can click to edit or remove the forwarding address. There you go! You have successfully forwarded your domain name to a different address. ...
Aside from the fact that All Access offers email accounts and mail forwarding, the two plans are pretty much identical. GoDaddy’s website builder is a bit more expensive, but you do get what you pay for. The company offers four different monthly plans, each tailored for a specific type ...
The first thing to check is that the hosting account you are pointing to has your domain set up within it. If it’s not, there’s your problem. You’ll also want to ensure that the IP address of your hosting hasn’t changed. What you’ll want to do is enter your website domain ...
In Cpanel, you can view and edit your files, create and restore backups, set up an unlimited amount of email address at your domain, set up email forwarding, and more. You can look over my shoulders step by step on how to do all of this in thisDIY Sales Funnel Post. ...
我们在登录Godaddy账户中,可以看到EMAIL选项,展开之后可以看到账户中已有的免费邮局账户,目前默认是没有开启的。如果我们有购买过域名或者虚拟主机,都有赠送的。FREE EMAIL PLASN代表是购买虚拟主机赠送的,FREE EMAIL FORWARDING代表是购买域名赠送的。区别就是前者有10MB大小,后者有1GB大小,其他都一样的。