First of all, Jesus promised to be with usalways[4]. His very nameEmmanuelmeans God with us—in the here and now, as we approach and cross the threshold of heaven, and forever thereafter. Second, in Jesus’ parable about the rich man and the poor beggar Lazaruz, the latter wascarried...
|||A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 主為坚固保障|||A Wonderful Saviour is Jesus my Lord 奇妙的救主|||A (28)|||Abide With Me 主与我同在|||Above All 超越一切|||Agnus Dei 神的羔羊|||All Creatures Of Our God And King 真神所造万象生灵|||All for Jesus 都归耶稣|||All Glory Be To C...
May we rediscover the wonder of God’s deeds in evidence all around us, and respond with gratitude and praise. He is the One who’s taught me since my youth (v. 17). Over time I’ve come to cherish God’ Word. And even though I’ve spent many happy hours in study, its inspirati...
All the hurt is dead and gone Now we're Your daughters and Your sons Amazing grace how sweet the sound We once were lost but now we're found Forever You hold us in Your arms Cause that's just the kind of God You are It's in the empty tomb ...
the ones that don’t use the same words, or language. Maybe they don’t speak churchese. But the Triune God demands, demands for us to draw the circle wide. There’s hymn “Draw the Circle Wide” with lyrics by Gordon Light and arrangement by Mark Miller in United Methodist Worship &...
and come off as conversations koenig is having with himself. “we’re all the sons and daughters/of vampires who drained the old world’s necks,” he sings, still searching for a peace that’s yet to come. the band’s name, of course, is not especially draculian, just a nod to ...
Before the sons and the daughters Before the sun and the water More than I can say for you But the truth still for you Once I saw what the Lord do God the Son all the glory God the Father like Maury Don't care what you say nothin' on me ...
Sons and daughters stack the pyre Stoke the flame of the empire Live to lie another day Face of hypocrisy Raping democracy Apocalyptic We count the days We'll never get out of this hole Until we've dug our own grave And drug the rest down with us The burning home of the brave Burn ...
debut,Get Lifted, to the raw and soulful lyrics of his 2013 smash "All of Me," to the richness of textures he explored on 2020'sBig Love. Legend's musical abilities empowered him to create a children's album that is not only timeless, but deeply meaningful in ...
As we sang the final song, Your Glory/Nothing But the Blood by All Sons & Daughters, I just started to quietly cry. Every time we sang the words “And the heartbeat of my life, is to worship in Your light. ‘Cause Your glory is so beautiful” I felt a catch in my voice. Tears...