Ephesians 1:9-10 Having made known unto usthe mystery of his will, accordingto his good pleasure which he hathpurposed in himself: That in thedispensation of the fulness of timeshe might gather together in one allthings in Christ, both which are in heaven,and which are on earth; even ...
Do you have the Fear of God? Do you find the fear of God in churchianity today? Do we even know what the fear of God is? Without the Fear of God, it is sure we will perish.Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding. Wisdom and ...
anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Therefore
Scripture says the disciples later came to Jesus urging Him to eat and He responded by telling them, “I have a kind of food that you know nothing about… My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing His work” (v. 32-33). True nourishment comes ...
Since he persisted and said: “Swear by Caesar’s Genius,” he answered: “If you vainly expect that I will swear by Caesar’s Genius, as you suggest, and pretend to be ignorant who I am, listen (to what I say) openly: I am a Christian. If you want to learn the teaching of Ch...
Satan may rule this world for a short time more but our eternal home is secured in a kingdom that will never end. For now, stay in the battle and finish the race that was prepared for you until Jesus returns to take you home. You can’t lose no matter what happens here. Soon we...
Among all of this evidence “here the belief that God had no direct concern with the individual is opposed: the fact that God will restore the innocent descendants of the original exiles affirms the doctrine of individual responsibility for sin.”[6] Conclusion Now then what is the correlation...
This desecration was particularly egregious as it involved not only the Jews but also people from Tyre, who were bringing fish and other wares into the city for sale. When separated from regular connection to God’s will, our mindset will lean toward doing what we want instead of asking ...
Gideon’s fleece was so full of dew that he could wring out the moisture. In the same manner, sometimes a verse of Scripture will be very full of meaning when the Holy Spirit visits His servants through its words. This statement of our Savior to His disciples has been to me like bread...
That is if you let it.The world can swallow you whole. It gets to be too much sometimes. And at times there are just no words. They simply will not come. Dry as a desert inside, that’s what it feels like. The start of this year was one for the books. California made the news...