《God Will Make a Way神要开道路》有关声明 1.站内曲谱歌词均由作者或者网友上传发布以及网上搜集,若无意中侵犯到您的权利,敬请附上相关版权证明材料来信517858@qq.com联系处理。2.站内曲谱如果用于商业用途,请直接与词曲作者联系。3.词曲作者名字以谱面为准。4.词曲作者作品分类,由系统自动进行分类,同名作者...
下载伴奏《神要开道路 God will make a way (降6.5半音)》就上零奏网。歌名: 神要开道路 God will make a way (降6.5半音); 歌手: Stan Whitmire; 格式: mp3; 总时长: 4:31。零奏网是一个专业伴奏网站,拥有Stan Whitmire的伴奏神要开道路 God will make a way (降6.5半音)等上百万首【中文】【...
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钢琴谱、双手简谱:《God Will Make a Way-神要开道路》Don Moen 钢琴谱、双手简谱:《God Will Make a Way-神要开道路》Don Moen 成为V+会员,阅读全部专属内容 还有68%的精彩内容,成为Ta的V+会员可继续阅读 良依之约_Liebe 良依之约:因为钢琴相遇,所以给你弹一辈子琴,谈一...
God Will Make A Way Hey guys, another Emmanuel Worship song for yall! Enjoy! sk8er_freak13@hotmail.com X = Scratch P = Palm Muted Intro - Guitar No Distortion! E|---| B|---| G|---| D|---5-5---4-4---| A|---5-5--xx--3-3--2-2--xx-...
god will make a way wu now518 曲谱信息 标题: god will make a way 作曲者: wu 表演者: wu 改编/制谱: 未知 调号: A调 风格: 其他 难度: 初学 类型: 改编 收藏量: 9 热度: 曲谱简介: god will make a way now518 弹友视频 暂无相关视频,期待您的上传...
God Will Make a Way - Don Moen (唐·蒙恩) God will make a way Where there seems to be no way He works in ways we cannot see He will make a way for me He will be my guide Hold me closely to his side With love and strength for each new day He will make a way He will make...
God will make a way When there seems to be no way Forever he is faithful He will make a road When you bear a heavy load I know God will make a way When a wall of circumstances leaves you crying in the night And you struggle 'til your strength is almost gone God will...
God will make a way I know that He will I've seen it and He will God will bring you bring you out I know that He will I've seen it and I know He will If you just let Him make a way God will make a way I know that He will I've seen it and He will I've ...