On the way out, the hostess stopped us. “Emily just told me what you did for her,” she said quietly. “That girl is going through a very rough time right now; she will never forget your gift!” No doubt you too can remember when a word of affirmation or gift of appreciation grea...
35 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. 36 But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. 37 For by your wo...
Will “gender police” emerge to oversee municipalities? Will doctors prescribing hormones to children face prison? These questions linger. For now, we can be thankful that we haven’t stumbled into this madness. In Russia, the idea of 74 genders is simply not relevant. Reality here doesn’t...
Peter replied, “Man, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed. The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: “Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times.”...
and look about you: All assemble andcome to you; your sons come from afar, and your daughters are carried on the hip. Thenyou will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will bebrought to you,to youthe riches of the nations will come...
Sarah Lai Stirland
My case will have 3 points: Good, Food and Blood Good My friend has the very unenviable task of building the case that the Bible teaches that animals died before the fall of mankind. It is particularly difficult since no where in the Bible will you find death before the fall. He might...
This expression of the triune God is flooded with love. Today’s first testament reading from Isaiah 43:1-7 contains these words from God: I created you, I have redeemed you, I have summoned you by name, I will be with you, I love you, I am with you, I will bring you, I will...
https://puritysystem.com/exposing-the-governments-national-parks-deepest-secrets/ Find out what the government has in store for you if you go camping in the deep woods of our national parks. And do not walk the Appalachian Trail alone. And never venture
But at the end of the day, you came into the world the same way as everybody else, and you will be leaving by the same door, We bring nothing into the world and we take nothing out of it! That’s why Faith in Christ will always be the most important aspect of our Earthly time...