Asoku d’alaye,(He who brings the dead to life) Olorun alaaye,(God of the living) Oba ti n p’ojo iku da,(God who can change appointment with death) Oba ti emi gbogbo enia wa l’owo Re,( He who has the keys to our existence) Oba ti nti t’enikan o lesi,(He who shuts...
G-d who has come in the flesh, not as an appearance, not as a spirit or angel, not as a teacher or prophet, not as an anointed man, but THE ONE who truly has come as G-d, Almighty Yahweh Creator, in the FLESH..., you lose everything. The genuine incarnation of the divine pe...
nor does it indicate the displeasure of God, but rather it advances aspects of our journey of faith which were heretofore easily neglected, but now affirmed by a fresh sight of Christ alone who will “never leave you or forsake you.” Where all men fail, God comes...
He spoke, nor failed to persuade the goddess Hera of the white arms, and she swore as he commanded, and called by their names on all those gods who live beneath Tartaros (the Pit), and who are called Titanes (Titans). Then when she had sworn this, and made her oath a complete thin...