It’s simple to play the games in order. They’ve all been in chronological order since their release. This isn’tSilent Hill, where there are prequels all over the shop. God of War(2005) – PlayStation 2 God of War II(2007) – PlayStation 2 God of War: Betrayal(2007) – Mobile...
In deze barbaarse wereld leert hij zijn zoon hoe hij moet overleven, zonder dezelfde fouten te maken die de geest van Sparta ooit bijna fataal werden. Deze nieuwe God of War bevat alle elementen die je van deze iconische serie mag verwachten: keiharde gevechten, epische bazen en een ade...
可自由移動的過肩鏡頭將帶領玩家體驗前所未見的近距離戰鬥,在《God of War™》與克雷多斯一同對抗北歐神話中壯觀、駭人又兇殘的生物。一把全新登場的主要武器與各種全新技能既保留了《God of War》的核心精神,同時亦激發出新的激烈戰鬥構想,在動作遊戲中樹立新的風格。
Instruments of war The Leviathan Axe, Blades of Chaos and Guardian Shield return alongside a host of new abilities for both Kratos and Atreus. Kratos’ deadly Spartan skills will be tested like never before as he battles gods and monsters across Nine Realms to protect his family. ...
GPU:NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (10GB) / AMD RX 6800 XT (16GB) RAM:16GB Operating System:Windows 10 64-bit (version 1809 or newer) Hard Drive Space:70 GB available hard drive space Your browser does not support HTML5 video. God of War on PC Play Trailer...
God Of War Sharefactory Theme Free extensionDLC 游戏介绍 Bonus content• Death’s Vow armour set.• Exile’s Guardian Shield.• Dark Horse digital comic.• Dark Horse digital art book.• Dynamic PS4™ theme.Living as a man outside the shadow of the gods, Kratos must adapt to ...
战神5:诸神黄昏(God of War Ragnarök)玩家评分 8.6 类型:动作游戏 平台: PC PS4 PS5 发售: 2024-09-19(PC) 制作: SCE,Santa Monica Studios,Jetpack Interactive 发行: SCE,PlayStation Publishing LLC 语言:简中 | 繁中 | 英文 | 日文 | 多国 | 其他 标签: 战争 奇幻 剧情 神话 暴力 3A ...
The death of Baldur at the hands of Kratos, which triggers Fimbulwinter - and thus the beginning of Ragnarök - forces Odin to come to the fore as the main antagonist of God of War Ragnarök. Having had time to study Kratos and learn what the Ghost of Sparta did in his homeland ...
Vicious, Physical Combat With an intimate, over-the-shoulder free camera that brings the action closer than ever, combat in God of War is up close, frenetic, and unflinching. Kratos ax powerful, magic and multi-faceted is a brutal weapon as well as a versatile tool for exploration ...
Kratos: The game's protagonist and the former Grecian God of War. After the events of God of War III, Kratos seemed to have moved to the Wildwoods of Midgard which is located in Scandinavia and has started a family. He has become older and wiser, and he has better control over his ...