Here you will find scripture topics in question-and-answer form. “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” John 5:39 Learn More WWGM Online Church Walks with God Ministries’ Online Church meets in every country around...
Jesus walks on water - How can I tell if my faith is strong? Amazing Miracles Video - Miracles. Randall Niles examines David Hume and the classic arguments for and against the possibility of miracles. Bible Christmas Story - What is the true meaning and message of Christmas? What is the ...
God wants us to know His voice and choose to agree with Him over the bad reports. As an added bonus I penned some scripture based decrees regarding the pandemic. You may find them on Blessing you! Love in Christ, Erin Lamb God is Speaking in Your Storm...
But first, let me say this, Jonah is acting like a dramatic teenager. 3 days to walk in the midst of the city and he walks for only a day, he yells this one sentence. And lo and behold the whole country fasts, repents, prays. The text doesn’t tell us any details about Jonah ...
She recalled how she and her friends would go on long walks without any real destination in mind. They would simply stroll together in fellowship. Adjusting to U.S. culture was a challenge. Clementz’s transition to Taylor was hard, like it is for many college students. For the first ...
He walks with us individually, privately and personally. That is the reason when you assemble together,let's push aside those things which are so insignificant,and so tied to the system of this world. The scripture tells us if we will draw near to God that He will draw near to us!
"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; But hisdelight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. ...
What does 'walking before God,' mean for the Christian of today? What does it mean practically, to be perfect? He,who walks before God, is sure that God has his back. He is keenly aware that God watches his every move or every thought. ...
He walks with us … or at least tries to. It’s our job to depend on Him fully while we do whatever He brings us into, and then stop and ask Him what’s next. The Takeaway: We are the beloved children of the King. BUT, we are not His competent, adult children. We’re not ...
1. God does not know what our future choices will be, but he works to influence us in every way possible to be one with Him and His plan for our lives. 2. Prophecy of scripture regarding future events should be viewed as God’s PLAN; it is NOT His foreknowledge of future events as...