A Perfect God, Imperfect People, and Perfect PlansMiriam Kinai
“Then a few years ago when I researched our family ancestry, some of those names turned up on our family tree from a generation or two prior to Grandma’s—relatives she must have known when she was young and people of faith already in heaven. She had to have seen them from her deat...
That’s good news too, because “there is no perfect life, no perfect job, no perfect childhood, no perfect marriage, and no set of people who always do what we expect them to do. “What we do have is a perfect God who is able to lead us through this imperfect life with unfailing...
We are sinful people. We can strive to live up to the expectations people set for us, but we will almost always fall short. We can make promises, and we can genuinely desire to change our ways and live up to the promises we make – but we are imperfect people. We will let ourselves...
How many friends, family members and acquaintances do you know that addresses people not by their given names, but rather by using a euphemism (a mild or indirect word or expression) that in most cases depicts an endearing term that shows hospitality and love?
Therefore, the Lodge (a group of people) is the catalyst for the evaluation of the individuals that are part of it. At least, this is what I see that it means. In practical terms, it means that all the planning in the world can’t prepare you for everything. As the “second,”...
Everyone hungers to be loved. Human love is important. Yet every person who loves you, loves you imperfectly, because people are imperfect. But God is able to love you perfectly. He loves us because it is his nature to love, and it never changes, never stops. ...
ThenGod createdtherainbow in the sky and told Noah every time people would see this it would be a sign for all times that He would never destroy the earth againbyaflood. cbs4kids.org cbs4kids.org 神把彩虹放在雲彩中,並對挪亞說:“每一次人類看見彩虹就知道神永遠不再用洪水除滅這個世界了。
Using his research, Be in Health has over 30 years of experience ministering to people who are afflicted with every manner of disease with astounding results of healing and restoration by God. We help people understand why they get sick so they can prevent and overcome disease in their lives...
and it is his will that the mercy should be received as in and through a Savior, with a full consciousness of its being through his righteousness and satisfaction. It is the will of God, that as all the spiritual comforts which his people receive are in and through Christ, so they shoul...