God Uses Broken People—and He Wants to Use You January 11, 2023 7 Comforting Bible Verses for Miscarriage February 15, 2021 Purposeful Living 4 Ways to Stay Focused on Jesus at Christmas December 11, 2024 For the first year in decades, I counted winter as a gift this year: not...
Verse Concepts but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him: 1 Peter 2:9 Verse Concepts But you area chosen race, aroyalpriesthood, aholy nation,a people forGod’sown possession, so that you may proclaim the excelle...
Fortunately, reading the Bible can help to strengthen your faith in God's love. There is no force more powerful than the love our heavenly Father has for us, His children. His love can move mountains, stop the roaring seas, heal broken bones and wounded hearts, transform lives, and set ...
Jude could not be more clear in his terminology when referring to false teachers. I haveunderlinedthe epithets he uses when speaking of false teachers. He bolsters his argument by giving three examples which show the certainty of God’s judgement against those “certain people” — the example...
He uses many means to soak his truth into the depths of our hearts, providing refreshment, renewal, and encouragement. One primary example: the Bible. When we disregard God’s Word, we expose ourselves to aridness of spirit. 4.God’s grace brings fruitful productivity to our lives (Isaiah...
Also worth noting: None of these faithful people were perfect, yet God honored their faith. He doesn’t need perfect people to accomplish his purpose, just willing and faithful ones. * * * * * * * * * * Forgive me, Lord, for allowing feelings to impact my faith. Help me to fit ...
This dispersion is both a punishment and a means of purification, as God uses exile to bring about repentance and eventual restoration. Historically, the Jewish diaspora began with the Assyrian and Babylonian exiles, yet it also set the stage for the spread of monotheism and the eventual coming...
The darkness intends to absorb us.Satan uses our own bitterness and frustration to do this. Our discipleship is no longer valid if we commence doing our own will and desires. Even though we get “flaky” the Father will always love us.But we dare not waste our pain, it comes at too ...
(v. 15), even while the people are the ones doing the work of both building the walls and preparing to defend themselves. In many instances, God uses the work we do to accomplish his will, such as providing our protection, security, etc. Just because the Bible says God protects us, ...
When you perform this study on every passage in the Bible (as I have done), you discover that the Bible never uses the words “saved” or “salvation” in reference to receiving eternal life. Not even here in Ephesians 2:8-9. Again, as we saw last time, the salvation of Ephesians ...