You used my teacher, Mr. Crane, and others to turn my heart toward Africa, which I found exciting but also overwhelming. The fact that my church family provided strong affirmation encouraged me that this was your plan. For six years the idea of becoming a missionary in Africa had grown in...
In truth, “The whole world is a series of miracles, but we’re so used to them we call them ordinary things” [4]. May we rediscover the wonder of God’s deeds in evidence all around us, and respond with gratitude and praise. He is the One who’s taught me since my youth (v...
As Jesus comes up out of the water, the heavens open and the Spirit of God descends on Jesus in the form of a dove, and the voice of God is heard saying, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” This is the only place in the Bible where Father, Son and...
It forms the basic component for the general term for God in Babylonia and Arabia, as well as with the Israelitish people. That the conceptions which were sometimes attached to the term El in the world of antiquity were unworthy of the God of the Bible is clear, but this does not ...
I remind you that a frequent phrase in the Bible is a variation of “fear not.” Whether spoken by a prophet to a widow using the last of her oil and flour for her family’s last meal (1 Kings 17:7-16), to shepherds on a hillside (Luke 2:10) or a young woman confronted by ...
text of the Bible to see if there is room to insert these outside ideas of death and suffering before the fall into sin. See if in this debate, you can discern how the assumptions of death have influenced the arguments of my friend rather than starting instead with the eternal word of ...
“The strength of the Hebrew people in the past, and all that remains of it today, largely results from the keen sense which they ever cherished of the importance of the home and the family. The house, the city, labour, are all important to the conserving of the strength of the family...
and fear. I am annoyed by the people at church, and fearful to open up my heart to God or his word. Haven’t been picking up my bible. I look at it and am afraid to open it. I have been pushing things aside. The pain of depression, the anxiety feelings, responsibility, I only...
In the Bible, Yahweh is depicted as astormgod who useslightningand thunder as weapons against his enemies.Lightning is also used in the Bible to represent God’s wrath and judgment.– fromGoogle AI This raises two obvious questions: Why would Donald Trump, a New York City native, want to...
The serpent or Jesus? …… In light of the Woke Bishop controversy, did you know there are no bishops in the Bible? You might see the word “bishop” in your Bible, but it meant an overseer and one of the elders of a local church, not a person with spiritual authority over a ...