The Bible tells us only a small remnant of the population on Earth will survive the coming ‘Apocalypse.’ Although, here, we find angels being released, much of the global terror will come from mankind destroying mankind, nation destroying nation, deadly wave after deadly wave. The Holy Spiri...
refuses to have anything to do with us(obviously, a bad example).10When I come, I will report some of the things he is doing and the evil accusations he is making against us. Not only does he refuse to welcome the traveling teachers, he also tells others not to help them. And when...
God tells us what it is in this question: How can two walk together unless they agree to do so? (Amos 3:3).But make no mistake, God doesn’t agree with whatever path I choose to walk, but I must agree to walk God’s path....
And because God is not just concerned about outward sexual acts but also about the inward purity of the heart, πορνεία forbids the sin of lust and sexual fantasy as Jesus made clear in Matthew 5:27-30. God is giving us a comprehensive command when he tells us to keep away f...
He’s certainly not been alone in warning of trouble, should our citizens ignore God and his wise instruction for conduct. Throughout the decades since the founding of America, there have been patriots proclaiming a similar message. For example: ...
A coup has been attempted in America. January 20th tells the tale. Let Trump be installed. He is God’s choice. Military Tribunals will judge the perpetrators because our justice system can no longer be trusted. The Seven need no trial. They have been tried in the Courts of Heaven and ...
In a 1967 film by Jean-Luc Godard, a well-dressed couple in a sporty convertible pick up a hitchhiker who tells them he is God. They are very excited to meet him. “Can you do miracles?” asks the man, “Can you make me richer?” His wife adds her own requests: “Can you make...
Well, the Bible tells of seven seals being opened in the Book of Revelation. The fourth seal involves the ride of the pale horse of death and pestilence–pestilence and related pandemics, are among the major things that the WHO/WHA is involved in. Unlike what we have seen with COVID, fu...
HaShem tells Yaakov “Return to the land of your fathers, your homeland, and I will be with you.” (ibid 31:3) HaShem continues, saying, “I am the G-d of Beit El, where you anointed a pillar and where you made a vow to Me. Now, arise and leave this land and return to your...
The apostle Paul tells us, “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 When the...