God tells Abraham about His plans, and Abraham advises God on God’s actions. God blesses Abraham materially and through rapid growth in descendants. After Abraham’s death, God raises a fledging nation (Israel) under the protection of Egypt. When Egypt begins to oppress Israel, God again int...
No one can count the grains of sand on just one beach, much less all over the world. God tells Abraham that his descendants will be as numerous as the sand and the stars. Before Galileo, and then Hubble, we thought the number of stars were finite. In more ancient times, it was thou...
The Word, John says, was the ground of all that would follow: the big bang; quarks and bosons; galactic systems and super novae; that little blue marble third from our sun; the first single cell organism that sparked to life; the bipedal primate who first became self-aware; Father Abrah...
James 2 reveals that James used the history of Abraham to show that faith without works is dead—it is the last of Abraham’s history because this is the last time God appeared to Him. It is not that portion of Scripture to which Paul refers in Galatians where he says that Abraham was...
He told Abraham to look up at the sky and count the stars as a sign of the promise He made to him. We need only look up to remember the promises He has made to us. When we look at the fruits of the Spirit, we quickly begin to realize that they are all rooted in the character...
If one tells the truth about the Jews, such as“The Jews own Hollywood”(something they admit to each other), or“The Jews own the media”(something they brag about among themselves), one is considered an“anti-Semite.” This is a clever subterfuge to eliminateanycriticism ofanyJew forany...
The word for “kill” is aspecial wordin Biblical Hebrew, meaning a ceremonial, sacrificial killing, used first for the way in whichAbraham intended to kill Isaac. It is sometimes translated as “slay” or the past tense “slew,” likeslaughter. ...
: “Before Abraham was, I am.” Eternity, therefore, as predicated of God, does not mean indefinite duration in time—a meaning in which the term is sometimes used in other connections—but it means the total exclusion of the finiteness which time implies. We are obliged to use negative ...
Jasher 13:5 says that Abram went to the land of Canaan at the age of 50 then back to Haran and back to Canaan at age 75, Genesis 12:4 states that Abram was 75 when he departed Haran. Jasher 18:9 states that one of the angels tells Abraham that Sarah will have a son, but Gen...
tells me to free fall and let go of control. That would not have worked today. I think instead I have to stand on the thin ice knowing that Jesus will catch me if I fall through. He will grasp my wrist and pull me close to him until I can stand again on my own. For anyone ...