Paul links back to our second principle –“they gave as much as they were able” (v3) but also highlights that they gave “even beyond their ability”. This is how the Old Testament principle of tithing 10% is transformed into giving even ‘more than we are able’. Paul also notes t...
which I’ve spoken about frequently. Paul, in Ephesians 2, writes about the exclusion from Gentiles from Israel, but how Christ has destroyed the dividing wall of hostility between Jews and Gentiles, and made us one person, through Christ’s body on the cross. ...
Over the years I’ve come to realize that feelings are notoriously unreliable, but Jesus, the lover of my soul, is ever faithful, and will never lie to me, will never break His promises to me, and as I quoted above, He said about Himself that He is“the light of the world.”~John...
How is God "Love"? 1. Love began with God when he created the world and us. Without Him, there would be no love in the world because it came from Him. 2. God's primary nature is to love, as shown by His rescue plan for us through His Son, Jesus Christ. The cross of Jesus ...
“If you are looking for a book to teach you not only to pray but also to invigorate your intimacy with God through prayer, this is the one.” Miguel Núñez “This is a particularly helpful tool for those of us who often struggle to know what and how to pray or whose minds tend ...
This book will help you to engage with your teens and teach them to be safe in a digital world! Buy Now! How to get closer to God by discovering love languages. God doesn’t just show His love in the Gospels; He displays His love for us throughout all of Scripture—the Old and Ne...
The problem is that I don’t know how to be different than I am. I am married to my beliefs, feelings, thoughts and habits of mind. I think they are me. But they aren’t. I am spirit. My experiences are identifications in the soul. Just realising this alone will be a huge step...
How can we share the message of God’s love with others, reflecting Christ’s light in the world? Supporting Scriptures: John 3:16– “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” ...
Scripture does teach us how to recognize the signs of the end of the world as we know it – the rapture and the tribulation.I have asked God to help me to share what I can to cause people to be more aware of the soon coming of Christ. I don’t want to be guilty of having any...