... the argument by conscience which is another string of classic theological thought is that something dwells within you that aligns you with the spirit of reality. And it's the still, small voice within that was identified first by the Prophet Elijah[24]. And it was part of a transforma...
4.His still small voicehelps me avoid bad situations Is God Speaking to You? 1.You Hear God:God can speak to you through various means such as hearing His voice audibly, receiving messages through a dream, experiencing a still small voice, having a deep sense of knowing, reading the Bible...
James wanted to become better-acquainted with Florence, but patients kept her busy from morning till night. Suddenly genius struck. James could pretendhewas sick! During the appointment he suggested courtship. Florence preferred they remain friends, still devastated over a previous beau uninterested in...
And after the fire came a still, small voice. ...Psalm 94:14For the LORD will not forsake His people; He will never abandon His heritage.Jeremiah 31:37This is what the LORD says: “Only if the heavens above could be measured and the foundations of the earth below searched out would ...
What is your response? Yes, today I am deciding to follow Jesus Yes, I am already a follower of Jesus I still have questions GROW MORE NOW Bible Search & Study Tools! Praise & Worship Videos! Chuck Missler at His Best! Audio Bible - Listen NOW! Randall Niles - Worldview! Important...
For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel: In sitting still and rest shall ye be saved, In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength; And ye would not.Brenton Septuagint TranslationThus saith the Lord, the Holy Lord of Israel; When thou shalt turn and mourn, then ...
Are you still shaking your fist at God wonderingWHY God?It’s okay, He definitely understands your pain like no one else can! However, if you listen to His still small voice, you will hear Him whisper to your heart, “I love you, will you trust me?” ...
Prayer is how we tune in to His still small voice. Prayer is how we receive our commands to advance, and our commands to withdraw. Prayer is the guiding force of our spiritual warfare. We need only be strong, stand still, and resist the enemy. Our God is fighting for us. “The ...
You want to be wise, don’t you? Get into Scripture and let God teach you what He wants you to know. Harry Ironside was one of the greatest pastors and Bible teachers of the previous century. Early in his preaching and teaching career, while he was still a young man, he heard of ...
mountain until I am blue in the face but I find myself avoiding the sin that is in my own heart. If the goal of faith is to hear God’s voice, to speak God’s words, then the greatest need I have is a heart that is cleansed and open to the still small voice of the Holy ...