Throughout Biblical history God spoke to His people. He spoke to Adam and Eve shortly after He created them and after the fall (Genesis 1-3). God spoke to Abraham on numerous occasions (Genesis 12-22). He spoke to Noah concerning the flood and building an ark (Genesis 6-9). All the...
The charge of dominion (kabash) was given to Adam and Eve before the fall. Before the fall, their reigning over nature was like that of the philosopher-king/queen who rules with equanimity, justice and reason. After the fall, however, kabash became perverted by unbridled use of imperial ...
Hey, the first job God gave to Adam & Eve was to tend and care for the Garden! Economic opportunity Wouldn’t it be great if everyone, by the age of 18-21, regardless of how: wealthy / poor, good / bad, engaged / non-engaged ...
When Adam and Eve were hiding in the garden, he called out: “where are you?” And down through the ages still he was seeking the lost to return to him. God spoke through his servant, Ezekiel: “For thus saith the Lord; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek ...
So where did God get the skin in which he clothed Adam and Eve? The text simply doesn’t say. Maybe he made it. The word for “skin” that is used can refer to either human or animal skin. There have been some streams of Judaism and Christianity which believed that prior to the ev...
2. Adam and EveThe first humans, representing humanity, who are the recipients of God's provision.3. The EarthThe setting of God's creation, filled with seed-bearing plants and trees for sustenance.4. CreationThe event of God bringing the universe and all life into existence, culminating ...
If I was Noah and God spoke to me. But I am not And He doesn’t So I sit and watch. The tides rise. The rivers overspill into homes That belong to other people. Faces on the news, Holding a single prized possession , Rescued from the debris, ...
Not wanting to frighten her further, I at first spoke to her from a distance. “It’s okay,” I said softly. “The man has run away. You’re safe now.” There was a long pause and then I heard the words, spoken in wonder, in amazement. “Dad, is that you” And then, from ...
God warned Eve that Adam would seek to rule over her (because of sin) and she would seek to please him (because of sin). It was not God’s original design. Nor did God name Eve “the helper.” He called her ezer kenegdo. Which has a far more meaningful and powerful definition. ...
As we can see from these examples in the Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures), God spoke through dreams in a way that made sense, either to the person having the dream or to its interpreter. When someone didn’t understand a dream and God wanted it to be understood, He gave the interpretation. ...