‘makes glad the city of God,’ and the tumultuous billows of the troubled sea, which shakes the mountain and moves the earth, is drawn by Isaiah in regard to the Assyrian invasion, when he speaks of Israel refusing ‘the waters of Shiloah, which go softly,’ and, therefore, having ...
In the Bible, Yahweh is depicted as astormgod who useslightningand thunder as weapons against his enemies.Lightning is also used in the Bible to represent God’s wrath and judgment.– fromGoogle AI This raises two obvious questions: Why would Donald Trump, a New York City native, want to ...
It is God who speaks in the thunder: Mediating ontologies of faith and fear in Aboriginal Christianity The connection between Christianity and the ancestral law of Aboriginal culture has generated considerable debate within Australian Christianity. I explore the intersubjective flow between faith and fear...
18 When the people heard the thunder and the trumpet blast and saw the lightning and the smoking mountain, they trembled with fear and stood a long way off. 19 They said to Moses, “If you speak to us, we will listen; but we are afraid that if God speaks to us, we will die.”...
God Speaks Now to Job - Then the LORD answered Job from the whirlwind and said, “Who is this who darkens the divine plan By words without knowledge?
However this may have been, the fact remains that from the time of the Exodus onward Israel regarded itself as the people of Yhwh, whose seat was Sinai, where he manifested Himself amidst thunder and lightning in His unapproachable majesty, and whence He went forth to aid His people (Judges...
Give the Lord the glory -- when He speaks in the thunder, and also when He thunders in His Son. 讲道编号129241623384886 期间25:13 日期Jan 28, 2024 类别周日服务 圣经文本大五得詩 29 语言英语 #thunder #lightning #Word #Voice 文件
When all entreaties to desist from this request were fruitless, Zeus at length complied, and appeared to her in thunder and lightning. Semele was terrified and overpowered by the sight, and being seized by the fire, she gave premature birth to a child. Zeus, or according to others, Hermes...
VOICE SPEAKS... SOMEONE AVOIDS HARM...WHOSE VOICE WAS IT? February 21, 2025SQuire Rushnell HIDDEN by a SNOW BANK, a car pulled in front of us. The vehicles made contact! But... I had reason to be thankful... Read more →
He speaks in love (Jeremiah 31:3), not condemnation (Romans 8:1). One of the distinguishing characteristics which will identify His voice is thatit will highlight His great, never-ending love for us . . . Even when He is disciplining and correcting you ...