Through a firm grasp of Scripture, the pastor-teacher will be able to see which building materials have been gathered together by the evangelist, and will then be able to teach, guide, and direct the people of the church to come together and build the church that God wants and desires. T...
As Christians, we do not want to hold onto things that are demonstrably false. Genesis and the rest of scripture very clearly tells us that God created in 6 calendar days about 6000 years ago. Most of God’s word was passed to us from the Spirit inspiring the prophets and apostles, but...
MoralitynonfictionPhilosophyReligionReviewethics For the purposes of this post, wisdom is neither a collection of trite adages, nor is it an accumulation of arcane or esoteric scripture. Wisdom is: 1.) the ability to quiet the mind 2.) the ability to suppress inclinations to be petty in a he...
She tells of How the Dark Lord’s Scripture is blatantly Proclaiming the Slaughter of the Children of God. The Dark Lord now has authority over this Earth. He is no respecter of persons. He doesn’t care if your a goat, or a serpent, or a lamb….However His time is short. God is...
Christianity is amiraclefaith. In no Scripture passage is that clearer than Colossians 2:8-15. And in no Scripturepersonis that clearer than Christ. But, first, we begin with awarning. . . “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on...
On one side it trumpeted scripture like, “Yea all kings shall fall down before him/ All nations shall serve him,” while the other panel was flashing a giant yellow “REALIZE.” It was, to be truthful, a bit eerie: like the setting for a futuristic ascension. For the Christian devout...
Some have suggested that Scripture can always be trusted or, moral matters, but it is not always correct on historical matters. They rely on it in the spiritual domain, but not in the sphere of science. If true, however, er, this would render the Bible ineffective as a divine authority,...
“Sudden impulses and impressions” should always be tested against the canons of sound reason, or at least the revelation of God as expressed in scripture. And, strictly speaking, “sudden impulses and impressions” aren’t even necessary: one can have the assurance that the Spirit dwells ...
This need so many of us have to constantly seek out new types of self care reminds me of the Scripture:Seek the Lord while he may be found.(Isaiah 55:6) There is absolutely a time and a place for this kind of spiritual quest, but if I’m being honest, there are times when I’...
But how do we do this? Are we to stand on street corners spouting Scripture with a Bible in our hands? Photo byBen WhiteonUnsplash Perhaps not, though some may be given that talent with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to preach and persuade. For the rest of us, I think it is takin...