‘You know what else? God doesn’t even see the filthy rags of our misdeeds. He sees us asradiantin Christ’s righteousness and wrapped in luminous love[2]. Affirm such truths as needed! GRATITUDE Gratitude fosters appreciation forwhatGod does, appreciation fosters adoration forwhoGod is, and...
religions, and guaranteed by such evidence that men are reasonably bound to accept it; and we assume, further, that our authoritative sources for obtaining a knowledge of the contents of this revelation are the inspired Scriptures and the uninspired but infallible teaching of the Catholic Church. ...
“Let God Chisel”. Comparing us to the statue of David, she explains that God sees who we are meant to be, even when that shape hasn’t fully formed yet. I love the idea that God is
Since God doesn’t show favoritism, what He did for Moses, He can do for us too. Psalms 92:14 says they will be like trees that stay healthy and fruitful, even when they are old.We have at least 3 scriptures that support strength in our old age. Will you believe what you see ...
will emerge with a resolve to hold close what is most important to us. For us that means things like Jesus still being a friend of the outcast. It means the sentiments of the ancient scriptures that speak of God not wanting to break a ‘bruised reed’ or put out a ‘smouldering wick’...
1.RECORDS:God uses scriptures to validate scriptures! (No, this is not circular reasoning) I was recently discussing with an Uber driver who was an educated engineer and physics hobbyist driving for the fun of it. We got talking about space exploration, so I asked, “What if we found peo...
They need someone to teach them the Scriptures, to show them what is true of them now that they are members of the family of God. They need to come to an understanding of their new identity in Jesus. Good works come from an understanding of these truths. In this way, we can say tha...
Scriptures on Love and Victory “For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him.”—John 3:...
scriptures in this blog today. While “why” cannot be answered to bring some kind of closure, there are a few things we can do. While we can surely pray for help and know God will work things out, we can also provide support for those who need us. I’ve seen the BEST of ...
First, Paul states that the gospel of God was “promised before though His prophecies in the Holy Scriptures” (Romans 1:2). In other words, the gospel was a topic of prophecy. But in Romans 1:3, he really gets into the content of the gospel. This gospel concerns “His Son Jesus Ch...