Everything Sans,在成为一切之前,都起源于与Fortran类似的背景故事。它来自Fortrans和Ada在Fandom出现之前各自的AU。它们都是空白的草图,但其中两幅是由好奇的创造者带入光明的,另一幅是通过完全未知的方法带入这个地方的。可以确认,将Everything Sans带到这里或赋予其定位的不可能是意外。它必须有某种目的或意义。虽...
如果可能的话,这个级别的壮举将以完全与描述或叙述解释无关的方式“发生”。 1-A:Metaversal 【保底高阶无限层指数塔】(如:Queen Godverse,Everything Sans,King Godverse,Lotus, Fortran, Ada) 不受上述含义影响的生物。没有与1-A相关的影响力或设定。遵循上述相同公式对“Metaversal”的任何暗示都是完全无用...
The Bible teaches us that God's essence is love. This means that love defines who God is. In 1 John 4:8 and 4:16, it says that "God is love." This verse shows us that everything God does is because of His love for us. The phrase "God is love" means that love is not just...
and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.2The fear and dread of you shall rest on every animal of the earth, and on every bird of the air, on everything that creeps on the ground, and on all the fish of the sea; into your hand they are delivered.3Every...
It delights Me that you want to be more aware of My presence. Know that I take deep pleasure in every occasion you turn your attention toward Me. Know too that beautiful transformation is taking place within you each time you do, because you can’t spend time in My presence and not gro...
Part of the meaning of life is learning to see as God sees. Heaven has a different vantage point than earth. Every life matters to God. Earth is a temporary assignment that prepares us for an eternal one. It’s so easy to become fixated on what does not matter at all. Jesus said, ...
VERSE 3 I praise you, Lord Jesus, that you are our Lord of might, sovereign over all. You are leading everything to the conclusion you ordained before time began, by the same power, wisdom, and love with which you made it. Nothing can be amiss [9]. You will not fail to do your...
"Time as you know it has always existed, even in non-existence. For it is with time everything has changed, grown, and evolved, even in the realms of the beyond." - Observer Long ago, dating back roughly during the creation of the mortal realms, we're tw
This verse sets forth the weighty consideration of the millennial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven commencing with His comingupto the Ancient of Days (cf. Daniel 7:13, NASB) to sit in judgment over everyone and everything through to the final consummation of the kingdom when all ...
Verse (Click for Chapter) New International VersionI know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity. All these things I have given willingly and with honest intent. And now I have seen with joy how willingly your people who are here have given to you.New Living Tr...