As believers, our hope must be anchored in God and God alone. It is a matter of trust. He sees the end from the beginning, and we know the beginning from the end. Our hopes must be based on His Word, not our preferences. We all have hopes! We all have preferences! We all have ...
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even though nobody in this world would give her credit for doing anything notable or newsworthy. She may not even have the energy to read her Bible, pray, evangelize, or get involved in a local ministry, but she faithfully serves “the least of these” her children, and God sees what ...
40. “God chose Mary for many reasons, but many are left wondering why He picked a women as young, poor, and vulnerable as Mary. Perhaps it was to demonstrate that God sees everyone as equals, and there is no class distinction when it comes to Kingdom matters.”– Sarah Lawrence 41....
Isaiah had already had a sense of all this, as found in Isaiah 60:1-5. In the first two verses, God writes about his own light that is shone upon us: Arise, shine, for yourlighthas come, and the glory of the Lord rises uponyou. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness...
Another of the Gospel writers was Luke. Luke was a physician and a frequent travelling companion of the Apostle Paul. Note the very first verses of Luke’s Gospel: “Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us,2just as they were handed down...
All these verses involve sin and God desiring to heal us spiritually. When we looking at the context of Hosea 7:1, we can again see that the issue is sin and God wants to heal the souls of His people of this deadly disease called sin. It says, “Whenever I want to heal my people...
But all too soon, in v7, there is deep disappointment in God, as he looks for justice, but sees only bloodshed; looks for righteousness, but hears only cries of distress. How is it possible to go from something so beautiful to something so dreadful in just a couple of verses? God ...
The reason he can do this is because he is reading the verses. He doesn’t come to the text with preconceived notions about pure atonement theory types (Penal Substitution or Christus Victor or Moral), and so forth, in order to figure out which one the text teaches. Instead, he sees Pa...
man preaches one sermon a year, he doesn’t learn much, nor does the congregation. But, if that same man is up in the pulpit about every six weeks, a rhythm begins. Each time he gets a little bit more comfortable and better. Over and over and over, and everyone sees wonderful ...