Vote Wiki's Most Humble Patreon, Too! Ranked#1 Overallby Total Rating CROM |SCPPER.COM Thirteen SCPs or Tales Rated Over+1000 SCP-049|SCP-2316|SCP-3000|SCP-1730 SCP-2935|SCP-3930|SCP-049-J|SCP-001-TGK|SCP-001-DJK3 SCP-2399|Fear Alone|SCP-4444|SCP-3812 ...
Church followers seek to bring together the components of the body of God, thereby allowing the Divine a physical form to utilize and bringing about some sort of techno-organic apotheosis. Several SCP objects have been attributed to this group since its discovery. Personnel may reference items ind...
This is inspired, and is a parody of SCP Foundation. And also,if you saw my past actions,I'm not pretty good at writing these. Anyways,hope you enjoy! Contents1 Summary 1.1 The Overseers 2 Backstory3 Storylines 3.1 Chapter 1-0: The Awakening of Shadows 3.1.1 Chapter 1-1: The ...
"Oh. It's that look." Grabbing him by the elbow, Aldon spun Finnegan in place and began rooting around in the backpack. Everett slinked out of the pack and onto Finnegan's shoulder, allowing Aldon easy access to the various elemental golems within. She scooped them up and grinned at th...
“SCP-027” by Quikngruvn, from theSCP Wiki. Source: Licensed underCC-BY-SA. Ambiment by Kevin MacLeod | promoted by Commons CC BY 3.0
SCP基金會的管理員從天上來,周圍有一個黑色的圓圈,他們會隱形,沒有任何東西可以看到他們的熱量或他們的身體,所以你真的看不到他們,但你能做的就是極度防禦性的 編輯|無能 超凡超凡神秘原始超人類生理學 形而上學_操控 FANDOM_Wiki_操縱 肉恩美阿森納
SCP基金會的管理員從天上來,周圍有一個黑色的圓圈,他們會隱形,沒有任何東西可以看到他們的熱量或他們的身體,所以你真的看不到他們,但你能做的就是極度防禦性的 編輯|無能 超凡超凡神秘原始超人類生理學 形而上學_操控 FANDOM_Wiki_操縱 肉恩美阿森納 === LV:超越万能&绝对理解,超越所有全能多元宇宙,超越真正的万能无限,超越一切,超越每个人,超越所有真正的概念,超越所有概念,超越任何概念,超越事物,超越任何人,超越真正的无限,超越真正的全部,超越真正的绝对,超越真正的永恒,超越真正... Http:// Http:// Http:// Http:// ...