·that have fallen [or pushed away; or scattered] from their nest. 3 They say: “·Help us [or Make a decision]. ·Tell us what to do [or Grant us justice].Protect us from our enemies as ·shade [L shade like night] protects us from the noon sun.·Hide us, because we are...
We find this same idea throughout the entire Old Testament. The concept of God being our shield when we place faith in Him is found at least twenty times in the book of Psalms alone. Over and over again, God is described as our shield and fortress, the One who protects us from the ...
A Song of Praise to God - At that time people will sing this song in Judah: We have a strong city. God protects us with its strong walls and
When times are good, many sons and daughters of Adam turn their faces from us, ‘Who needs God?’ They blatantly sin and mock the precepts of God. Oh yet when crisis falls upon the earth, the same some ones cry out, ‘Where is God? Why did God allow this? Help us God!’ We ar...
Over and over again, God is described as our shield and fortress, the One who protects us from the enemy. In Psalm 91:4, God’s faithfulness itself is described as a shield, and in Psalm 76:3 we read that God breaks the arrows of our enemies. In Proverbs 30:5, we read that God...
Letyour whole nation and all the tribes know clearly thatyouare thegodof all power and might, and that there is no other whoprotectsthe people of Israel butyoualone." ParaCrawl Corpus The ability to control one's own life by resisting every provocation of both friends and enemies must come...
Jesus said, "Love your enemies" and Moses gave us,"Thou shall not kill" Mohammed teaches his followers that to: "wage war upon the infidels" is Allah's will, (Koran, surah 9) We see Muslims marching in American streets with signs that say, “Jews back to the ovens!” ...
So Father God, send forth Your arrows of every kind to do warfare on Your behalf, on behalf of Your Kingdom, and on behalf of us Your people. I pray that You would arise and Your enemies would be scattered, O Lord, and that this nation would worship You once again. In Jesus’ ...
We cannot protect ourselves from trouble, but we can dance through the puddles of life with a rainbow smile, twirling the only umbrella we need -- the umbrella of God's love. —Barbara Johnson 123 God's love does not protect us from suffering. God's love protects us in the midst of ...
As He knew before creation that we would be disobedient, He chose a path to save us from our sins (Ephesians 1:4-5). This gives us hope as His children. We do not have to view God as our “Punisher-in-Chief,” but rather as our Heavenly Father who has a plan and purpose for ...