DRAKE SHOOTING GODS PLAN MUSIC VIDEO AT MIAMI HIGH, LIFES CRAZY MAN@OfficialJoelF@Drake@miamiseniorhighpic.twitter.com/6ohD8bipNh — Edgar — (@TheRealEdgy)February 5, 2018 Enthralled by his presence, students quickly swarmed the area in hopes of capturing the elusive super...
In another clip, the fan is rapping along to a different unreleased cut presumably titled “God’s Plan.” The rhythmic track features a booming trap style beat as Drake, in his signature rap-sing, says, “You know how I like it when you love on me/ I don’t wanna die for them to...
Drake calls the “God’s Plan” video “the most important thing I have ever done in my career” The day before the video was released,Drakeposted a photo of the project’s clapboard that read, “God’s Plan.” His caption set sky-high expectations for the video, calling it “Th...
Is Kathleen Kennedy’sStar WarsEmpire Ending?The Lucasfilm succession plan has enough conflict for an opening crawl. song review12:36 p.m. Lizzo Is in LimboOn “Love in Real Life,” she struggles to change her narrative. ByCraig Jenkins ...