And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church,
/ You made him a little lower than the angels; You crowned him with glory and honor / and placed everything under his feet.” When God subjected all things to him, He left nothing outside of his control. Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him.1 Corinthians 11:7A ...
For “God has put all things in subjection under his feet.” But when it says, “all things are put in subjection,” it is plain that he is...
But when all things have been placed under Christ's rule, then he himself, the Son, will place himself under God, who placed all things under him; and God will rule completely over all. International Standard VersionBut when everything has been put under him, then the Son himself will ...
“What is man that You are mindful of him, or the son of man that You care for him? You made him a little lower than the angels; You crowned him with glory and honor. You made him ruler of the works of Your hands; You have placed everything UNDER HIS FEET.”Psalm 8:4-6 ...
No abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1111/j.1748-0922.2008.00279_1.xJohn T. FordJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd (10.1111)Religious Studies Review
The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. Revelation 16:20. 讲道编号 114201342506690 期间 19:03 日期 Jan 14, 2020 类别 Devotional 圣经文本 使徒若翰顯示之書 16:20 #Satan #Power-of-Darkness #Roman-Catholicism #Jesuitism 本系列的更多内容 Morning Devotional 369 布道 下一个...
As the actor entered the sanctuary from the back and slowly walked toward the platform, he fixed his gaze on one person after another, including you. And what was your reaction? Instant awe and reverence—so strong, you had to stop yourself from bowing down at his feet as many did in ...
Look at where Chad placed the cross. All greater things are grown out of the cross. Greater Things is literally grown out of God’s relentless love as well as the love of those who have raised us in the faith. It’s our joy and honor now to continue to multiply all that we have ...
No matter what the future may hold, you can keep on bearing all things through My Son, Jesus Christ, who constantly infuses you with His strength. Every trouble produces benefit–strong, honorable character in you, and blessing for others as they see My peace and joy reflected in you. ME...