Everything Sans,在成为一切之前,都起源于与Fortran类似的背景故事。它来自Fortrans和Ada在Fandom出现之前各自的AU。它们都是空白的草图,但其中两幅是由好奇的创造者带入光明的,另一幅是通过完全未知的方法带入这个地方的。可以确认,将Everything Sans带到这里或赋予其定位的不可能是意外。它必须有某种目的或意义。虽...
1-A:Metaversal 【保底高阶无限层指数塔】(如:Queen Godverse,Everything Sans,King Godverse,Lotus, Fortran, Ada) 不受上述含义影响的生物。没有与1-A相关的影响力或设定。遵循上述相同公式对“Metaversal”的任何暗示都是完全无用的。Metaversal可以访问所有。没有元性性质、元性常数或元性定律。他们背后没有...
No matter what the future may hold, you can keep on bearing all things through My Son, Jesus Christ, who constantly infuses you with His strength. Every trouble produces benefit–strong, honorable character in you, and blessing for others as they see My peace and joy reflected in you. ME...
Everything always boils down to this: Jesus’ suffering, death and rising from the grave is what matters most. Period. It is ours to set our minds on the things of God. To set our minds to filter everything through the lens of the Gospel. It starts with a thought that this world is...
only good, every good. With this promise in our hearts, we need not fear. –Charles Spurgeon[4] 7.God’s grace creates radiant beauty in a life that was once a wasteland (Psalm 34:5). That radiant beauty is characterized by smiles of joy, an attitude of contentment, a voice of wis...
a trident-like weapon called the ‘Trishula’ and at the center of it we see something unusual: the third eye. Shiva is the only god that has a depicted with third eye. It is said that if this third eye were to open, it would produce a powerful light that would destroy everything....
I own everything you see. And you are invited to be my friend, part of my family, and if you are willing-my Chef! We will have feasts and daily bread. I am a rewarder of those who seek to love. Thank you for loving me. I appeared as lowly, sometimes dirty. You treated me ...
First, that the Lord has the right to interrupt ‘my’ life any time. Afterall, he owns it, for he created it. I am used to acknowledging my lack of control when I travel by car or by plane. Those situations bring me face to face with my powerlessness. I FEEL how ephemeral life ...
Everything He has ever done has been out of love.Here are several key implications that this attribute - God is love - that is for all people today. 1. We can trust in God’s Love. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 gives several descriptions of love: "Love is patient, love is kind. It ...
What to hang my hope on when everything around looks bleak. If we drift from reading God’s word, our faith will wane, our prayer life will wane, our joy will wane and our hope will wane. So let’s read God’s word, grab on to his promises, then say in the face of ...